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#609 : Petits secrets entre amants

Un coup de téléphone surprise de Chris engendre une dispute entre Luke et Lorelai. Plus tard, une partie du passé de Luke refait surface mais il ne sait pas comment l’annoncer à Lorelai.
Après des mois de séparation et de disputes, Lorelai et Rory font leurs premiers pas vers la réconciliation. Rory décide de donner à sa vie une nouvelle voie.


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The Prodigal Daughter Returns

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Petits secrets entre amants

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Première diffusion en France


Trailer 6.09

Trailer 6.09


Plus de détails

L’épisode commence dans la maison des Gilmore. Lorelai essaie de rentrer chez elle mais la porte ne s’ouvre pas, Luke a mis la chaine. Il arrive lui ouvrir et il lui donne un verre de vin. Il veut célébrer quelque chose : les travaux sont finis. Lorelai est déçue, elle voulait leur dire au revoir et faire une fête. Il a une autre surprise, dans la chambre. Ils montent et il lui demande de fermer les yeux. Il a changé tous les meubles et mis à la place le lit et la commode de sa grand-mère. Malgré sa déception apparente, Lorelai dit qu’elle adore. 

Chez Emily, Rory arrive et prend une pâtisserie. Emily demande à la bonne de la lui servir dans une assiette mais Rory refuse. Emily insiste. Rory s’en va au travail sans manger.  

A l’auberge, Lorelai rentre dans la cuisine, Sookie veut de l’inspiration culinaire. Lorelai invite Sookie et Jackson à sa pendaison de crémaillère. Lorelai lui avoue qu’elle n’aime pas la chambre. Elle a du mal à s’y faire mais ne sait pas comment le dire à Luke puisqu’il voulait lui faire plaisir.  

Chez Emily, Richard arrive. Il lui parle mais sans la voir, parle de son voyage prochain, de ses valises. Deux jeunes hommes descendent de l’escalier. Richard leur demande qui ils sont, l'un est Colin, l’autre se le demande … Richard réitère sa question. Rory leur a demandé de déménager ses affaires. Il appelle Rory mais elle est déjà partie. Ils se sont aussi trompés d'affaires à déménager.  

Chez Luke, Lorelai mange. Ils se « disputent » sur les nachos. Lane passe et elle essaie d’éviter Lorelai. Visiblement, Lane cache quelque chose. Elle lui avoue que Rory a emménagé chez elle. Elle ne savait pas si elle devait le dire.  

Chez Lane, Rory travaille sur son ordinateur, Lane lui prépare à manger. Zach arrive et se plaint qu’il n’y a plus de shampoing, pourtant Rory a son propre shampoing. Puis il se plaint de sa présence par rapport aux feuilles, aux céréales. Rory insiste sur le fait qu’elle ne restera pas longtemps. Puis un journaliste l’appelle et même s’il ne peut pas l’embaucher, il lui donnera des références, ce qui fait plaisir à Rory. Elle décide de sortir, Lane lui avoue qu’elle a dit à Lorelai que Rory habitait chez elle. Zach continue de râler.  

Chez Lorelai, Sookie et elle sont dans la cuisine. Sookie est étonnée que la cuisine n’ait pas changé. Luke et Jackson arrivent et parlent du barbecue avec véhémence. Sookie veut voir la chambre de grand-mère. Sookie n’aime pas non plus, c’est épouvantable. Le téléphone sonne et se met sur répondeur. C’est Christopher qui laisse un message. Il veut leur annoncer une bonne nouvelle. Luke arrive et Lorelai s’empresse d’éteindre le répondeur, ce qui met Luke en colère.  

Pendant le repas, Jackson fait des blagues mais ça tombe à l’eau. Ils parlent de banalité. L’ambiance est froide. Jackson pense que ses hamburgers sont meilleurs que ceux de Luke. Luke fait des sous-entendus. Sookie avoue qu’ils sont fâchés mais pas impolis. Ils se disputent finalement sur Christopher, puis finalement sur la chambre de grand-mère. Luke sort de table. Jackson demande si c’est parce qu’il a emmené des épices, Sookie acquiesce.  

Chez Luke, Lorelai entre. Luke avoue qu’il est jaloux de Christopher. Mais c'est le père de Rory et il sera toujours dans la vie de Lorelai. Luke veut qu’ils se disent tout. Elle lui avoue qu’elle n’aime pas la chambre. Elle s’installe sur ses genoux. 

Dans un journal, Rory attend. Elle interpelle celui qu’il l’a appelée. Elle veut se faire embaucher, mais il n’a pas de poste à pourvoir. Elle insiste sur le fait qu’elle est une bonne journaliste mais il n’a pas de poste. Il refuse. Elle attend.  

Au diner Luke’s, au déjeuner, il y a du monde. Une petit fille rentre et se dirige vers Luke et lui demande s’il est bien Luke Danes. Elle veut lui parler et non manger. Elle enlève son casque à vélo. Elle veut un de ses cheveux, en plus de ceux de deux autres hommes pour savoir qui est son père. Elle lui arrache un cheveu et s’en va. 

Au journal, le journaliste déjà vu passe devant Rory. Elle intervient dans la conversation. Elle l’énerve.  

A l’auberge, Michel et Lorelai rangent la bibliothèque. Michel en a assez. Il lui parle d’un coup de téléphone pour des références professionnelles pour Rory. Lorelai veut savoir qui c’était. Son téléphone sonne, c’est son père qui lui annonce que sa mère a disparu, que Rory a déménagé. Lorelai ne sait pas quoi dire. Richard est affolé. Lorelai va dans la cuisine, Sookie lui demande ce qu’il ne va pas. Lorelai ne sait pas quoi faire. Elle appelle sa mère mais tombe sur son répondeur. Lorelai va chez Lane, mais Rory n’est pas là. Zach se plaint de Rory mais Lorelai lui rappelle qu’ils ont utilisé son garage pendant trois ans donc … Son téléphone sonne, c’est sa mère. Lorelai lui promet de la rejoindre. Emily visite un avion. Lorelai lui dit que Richard s’inquiète car elle n’aurait pas dormi chez eux, Emily dit qu’elle sait faire un lit. Emily veut un avion en copropriété. Emily en a marre du comportement de Lorelai. Tout est sa faute. Lorelai dit que c’est faux, et Emily acquiesce. Elle a tout fait pour elle, mais Rory s’est comportée comme Lorelai sans merci ni au revoir. Emily veut rester superficielle et frivole. Emily l’a perdue comme elle a perdu Lorelai. Mais Lorelai dit qu’elle ne l’a pas perdue. Emily s’assoit en pleurant.  

Au journal, Rory apporte des cafés. Le journaliste revient et s’énerve contre elle car elle a déposé le book. Mais il lui accorde cinq minutes.
Dans une école, Luke arrive et cherche la petite fille. Quand il la voit, il s’approche d’elle. Visiblement, il est son père. La fille lui demande ce qu’il fait là. Elle lui donne son rapport. Il découvre qu’elle est la fille d’Anna, qu’il connait. Luke est déboussolé. Il n’était pas au courant. Il lui propose une glace mais elle refuse car il y a le prix des gagnants. Il s’en va donc …  

Lorelai erre dans sa maison et allume la télé, pui l’éteint. Elle s’approche de Paul Anka pour jouer mais il refuse. Le téléphone sonne, c’est Rory. Elle a trouvé un boulot, elle va retourner à Yale. Elles décident que Rory rentre. Elles sont contentes. Elles se sautent dans les bras. Elles s’excusent. Elles s’avouent leur amour. 

Chez Luke’s, Lorelai entre et lui dit que Rory est revenue. Elles vont se faire une soirée et ils vont pouvoir se marier.  


[Lorelai opens the front door but is stopped by a chain lock. She calls in through the small opening.]

LORELAI: Luke, hello? Luke! The door is chained! Especially funny since I don't have a chain on my door. Luke!

LUKE [OS]: Lorelai?

LORELAI: No. Land shark. Candygram. Here's Johnny. Ugh! Luke, open the door!

LUKE [OS]: Stay there.

LORELAI: Oh, okay. [She reaches in and tried to unhook the chain herself.] God. Ow, ow! I have a cramp! Luke, I have a cramp!

LUKE: Sorry. [He steps up to the door.]

LORELAI: Ah! I'm permanently stuck like this.

LUKE: All right. Get your arm out of the way so I can unchain the door.

LORELAI: Sure, just yell 'Stand up, already' to the guy in a wheelchair.

[He lets her in.]

LUKE: I chained the door earlier to test it. Here. [He hands her a glass of wine.]

LORELAI: Oh, what an odd reward system you have.

LUKE: Come with me.

LORELAI: What's going on?

LUKE: We are celebrating.

LORELAI: Celebrating! What?

LUKE: Listen. [They stand in the living room.]

LORELAI [whispers]: Are you cooking?

LUKE: Is that listening?

LORELAI: Well, I'm hungry.

LUKE: Focus.

LORELAI: I'm hungry.

LUKE: Shh!


[They stand listening for a moment.]

LORELAI: I don't hear anything.

LUKE: Exactly.

LORELAI: Okay, Simon, Garfunkle.

LUKE: It's done!

LORELAI: What's done?

LUKE: The house! It's done!

LORELAI: No, it was supposed to take another week.

LUKE: I know. I paid Tom a bonus to get the guys out of here early.

LORELAI: He finished everything?

LUKE: Yeah. No more banging or sawing, no more paint cans lying around, cigarette butts in the potted plants.

LORELAI: Well, they didn't put the light socket covers back on. They'll have to come back to put the light socket covers -

LUKE: Light socket covers are on.

LORELAI: What about the skinny tiny molding in the closet? They have to fix the skinny tiny molding in the closet.

LUKE: Skinny tiny molding is done.

LORELAI: Hm. Well, I'm sure they did not pick up all their tools. They'll have to come back and pick up their tools -

LUKE: You're not happy they're gone.

LORELAI: No, I am, I just wanted to say goodbye.

LUKE: Goodbye?

LORELAI: Yeah, I wanted to have a, you know, we're done party. Buy them some pizza.

LUKE: More pizza?

LORELAI: And I had going away presents for them.

LUKE: I gave them a going away present, a two thousand dollar going away present. That's got to bring some smiles.

LORELAI: But I bought paper hats and noisemakers.

LUKE: The place was covered with dust! You were getting woken up at six a.m. every morning by the hammering. I thought you'd be happy!

LORELAI: I am. Just sad at the same time. You've never been with a woman before?

LUKE: Okay, fine. I've got another surprise for you.


LUKE: Upstairs.


LUKE: Bedroom.

LORELAI [gasps]: Upstairs in the bedroom? Whatever could it be?

[They go upstairs.]


[Luke and Lorelai approach the bedroom door.]

LUKE: All right, close your eyes.

LORELAI: I'm not scared of it anymore, Luke.

LUKE: Please just close your eyes.


[She closes her eyes. Luke swings open the double doors and leads her in.]

LUKE: Ah, ah, ah. You ready?


LUKE [takes a deep breath]: Take a look.

[Lorelai opens her eyes and looks around.]

LORELAI: Wow! What is this?

[The camera reveals the bedroom, furnished with dark, heavy, old-looking furniture. Lorelai pretends to like it.]

LUKE: This is my grandmother's bedroom set. It's in perfect shape, can you imagine?

LORELAI: Wow. [She examines the headboard.] Look at all the cherubs.

LUKE: People have been trying to buy it off me for years, but I always felt that I would eventually find the perfect place to put it, you know?

LORELAI: Yeah, uh-huh.

LUKE: And then the room was done and just sitting there, and I remembered the day you came down to that storage unit, you saw the furniture and you said you liked it.


LUKE: Yeah. And since you liked it, and I've been looking for a place to put it, I figured -

LORELAI: When did I come to your storage unit?

LUKE: Five years ago, you needed to borrow that space heater.

LORELAI: Oh, right.

LUKE: And look. [He picks up a painting of a sailboat in a matching frame.] I haven't had a chance to put these up. Aren't they great?

LORELAI: Yes, yes they are.

LUKE: I was tempted to get them reframed, but it just didn't seem right.

LORELAI [sees the vanity mirror]: Oh! I've got one big eye, that's fun.

LUKE: Yeah, that's the original glass. You can't find that anymore. [He looks around proudly.] So! Are you sure you like it?

LORELAI: I love it.

LUKE: Great. Okay. Well, let's get downstairs, 'cause I am making risotto.

[He heads out the door. Lorelai looks around at the room.]

LORELAI [trying to be sincere]: Just love it.



[Emily sits at the table, reading the paper. Rory walks through the dining room into the kitchen. The maid hurries out and pours Emily some coffee. Rory walks back through the dining room with a muffin in her hand.]

EMILY: Sumatra, please get my granddaughter a plate.

RORY [turns around at the door]: That's all right, Sumatra, I'm just going up to my room.

EMILY: Sumatra, please tell my granddaughter that all food is to be consumed in the dining room.

RORY: Sumatra, please tell my grandmother 'What?'

EMILY: That's the rule in this house, Rory.

RORY: I'm late for community service.

EMILY: Food in this house is meant to be consumed in the dining room or not at all.

RORY: What about when you take your tea outside on the patio?

EMILY: That is in the afternoon. This is morning and in the morning you eat your food at the table in the dining room!

RORY: Fine! [She sets the muffin down on the table.] I'll be back this afternoon.

EMILY [looks at the muffin, then at Sumatra]: Well, if you expect that muffin to fly back to the kitchen, you'd better go and get it a cape!

[Sumatra picks up the muffin and goes back into the kitchen. Emily crumples her newspaper fiercely.]


[Sookie is cooking. Lorelai enters.]


SOOKIE: I have to go to China.

LORELAI: Enjoy your flight.

SOOKIE: I need inspiration. I need ideas! I'm tapped out! Boring! Do you know what's on the menu tonight?


SOOKIE: Goose with oyster stuffing.


SOOKIE: I know! But that's all I could come up with. And the only reason I thought of that was because Davey just learned duck, duck, goose and the ducks looked puny. So there you go.

LORELAI: Well, say hi to Yao Ming for me.

SOOKIE: Will do. What is this? [She takes an envelope from Lorelai.]

LORELAI: This is a formal invitation, written by me on the Dragonfly notepad about five minutes ago, inviting you and Jackson to a housewarming dinner at my newly completed pad.

SOOKIE [gasps]: It's done!


SOOKIE: Saturday night!

LORELAI: I've heard it's all right for fighting, get a little action in.

SOOKIE: Wow. Your house is done! This is so exciting! How does it look?

LORELAI [without making eye contact]: It, uh, looks great.

SOOKIE: It, uh, does?


SOOKIE: Why do you hate it?

LORELAI: I don't hate it, it's beautiful. It's just - okay. What if Jackson brought home a set of his grandmother's pots and pans. Now, obviously you need some pots and pans and these are free and all, but they're really old. And you don't want to hurt Jackson's feelings, because he's very sentimental about the pans, but they've got fat cherubs carved all over them and you just don't want them!

SOOKIE: Do the cherubs interfere with the actual cooking function, or are they just decorative?

LORELAI: Well, decorative is a wildly generous description, but the function's fine.

SOOKIE: What happened to my old pots and pans?

LORELAI: Uh, gone. Thrown out.

SOOKIE: Can I get them back?

LORELAI: Babette's nephew Gary is sleeping on them.

SOOKIE: Sleeping on them?

LORELAI: I'm not really talking about pans, Sookie.

SOOKIE [frustrated]: Well, what are you talking about?

LORELAI: I am talking about Luke's grandmother's bedroom furniture that he set up in my brand new bedroom.


LORELAI: And he loves this furniture.

SOOKIE: And you don't.

LORELAI: No, I don't, but it shouldn't matter, right?

SOOKIE: Why not?

LORELAI: Look at everything Luke has done for me. I mean, he bought the Twickham house, and then he un-bought the Twickham house, and then he almost bought it again, and then he decided to live at my house because I wanted to live at my house.

SOOKIE: Yeah, he did!

LORELAI: He has turned his whole life upside down for me. He does everything in his power to make me happy and give me what I want, so can't I just give him this one little thing?

SOOKIE: Yes you can!

LORELAI: No. I can't. The bed is small, and really low, just perfect for tiny shrunken limbs that can't be too far off the ground. And then he has this ancient dresser with the original funhouse mirror in it, so that, when I wake up every morning, and I am at my most visually vulnerable, I'll look in there and think I'm that kid from Mask.

SOOKIE: You can replace the mirror.

LORELAI: Oh, no! He loves the mirror! And the bed and the dresser. Oh, and the paintings, did I tell you about the paintings?


LORELAI: Of sailboats.

SOOKIE [cringes]: Ooh.

LORELAI: There's six of them. Six sailboats waiting to sail me away to an old folk's home. And then, when the wind's right, drop me off at the pearly gates. I'm hateful and selfish.

SOOKIE: No, you're not.

LORELAI: I just want my new house to be perfect! Half that crap in there was hand-me-downs to begin with. You know, I had that old bed that Mia let me snag from the Independence Inn. I just wanted something new.

SOOKIE: You have to tell him.

LORELAI: I can't tell him.

SOOKIE: Maybe it's not so bad.

LORELAI: Well, you'll see for yourself on Saturday night. Seven thirty?

SOOKIE: Aye, aye, captain!

[Lorelai leaves.]


[Richard enters the front door. He calls out. As he talks, he sets down his briefcase, checks the mail, sits down at his desk and writes a check.]

RICHARD: Emily! Sorry to be so late! Jensen wouldn't stop talking. The car will be here in twenty minutes to take me to the airport. Remember, I'm not going to be back until Tuesday, so you're going to have to deal with Alla Hadengrow yourself. I will leave you the check. All you have to do is hand it to him and tell him that if there are any problems I will be back to talk to him on Wednesday. I hope you told the maid to pack my raincoat. Forecaster's predicting Armageddon, apparently. Now, I have a stopover in Las Vegas. Is there anything that you want me to bring you back?

[Colin and Finn come down the stairs carrying boxes. Richard is shocked to see them.]

FINN: Your safe return, darling, is all I need.

RICHARD: Who the hell are you?

FINN: Well, if I knew that I could dismiss my therapist, now, couldn't I? Though she's very hot.

COLIN: I'm Colin McCray.

RICHARD: How wonderful for you. What are you doing in my house? Put that box down. Both of you. Explain yourselves.

COLIN: Mr. Gilmore, I'm Colin McCray. You know my father, Andrew McCray.

RICHARD: Yes, I know Andrew McCray. What are you doing in my house? Where's Mrs. Gilmore?

FINN: Don't know, mate. Rory let us in.

COLIN: We came over to help her move her stuff.

RICHARD: Move her stuff where?

FINN: To her new place of residence.

RICHARD: What do you mean, new place of residence? Rory's moving out?

FINN: I hope so, otherwise she'll have nothing to wear tomorrow.

RICHARD: Well, that's preposterous! A person doesn't just move out without a word! Where is she? Rory!

FINN: She already left.

RICHARD: Well, I want an explanation!

COLIN: We'll have her call you.

RICHARD: You - you'll have - [He peeks in the box Colin is carrying.] What >are you doing with that? That's my tennis racquet.

FINN: I told you she didn't point to the closet on the right.

COLIN: Well, then, I have no idea what closet she was pointing to.

FINN: I suppose these humidors aren't hers either. Pity. Any chance you're >sick of them? [Richard stares him down.] I promise to give them a nice home >and show them a picture of you every year at Christmas.

[Richard points up the stairs and storms off.]

FINN: Very tall man, that one.

[They start carrying the boxes back up the stairs.


[Lorelai sits at a table, carefully examining a plate of nachos. Luke notices.]

LUKE: They're going to get cold.

LORELAI: Are they different?

LUKE: Different than what?

LORELAI [suspiciously]: They seem different.

LUKE: They're nachos! Now eat them.

LORELAI: You used baked chips.

LUKE [indignant]: What?

LORELAI: You did, didn't you. You used baked chips and low-fat cheese.

LUKE: I did not - use low fat cheese.


LUKE: How could you tell?

LORELAI: How could you lie?

LUKE: They taste the same!

LORELAI: Oh, the trust, Luke! How are we going to make it if you're constantly trying to keep me healthy?

LUKE [takes the plate]: Fine. Forget it. Die at sixty.

LORELAI: Bring me a donut while I wait? [Lane walks by with a pot of coffee.] Hey, Lane! [Lane ignores her and walks over to another customer's table. Lorelai waves her arms around.] Hey, Lane! Woo! Lane! Seriously. I'm landing planes over here.

LANE [approaches without making eye contact]: Lorelai, hey.

LORELAI: Hey, Fill me up, here. [She does.] So, how's it going?

LANE: Good.

LOREALAI: Good. Haven't seen you the last couple of days.

LANE [still avoiding eye contact]: I've been working the lunch shift.

LORELAI: Oh. Something wrong?

LANE: Wrong?

LORELAI: Yeah, you're giving me a Valerie Cherish, you know, and, "I don't want to see that". [She laughs awkwardly.] It's a great show, you should watch it.

LANE: I will.

LORELAI: It's canceled.

LANE: Oh, sorry.

LORELAI: Well, it's your fault, so. [Lane looks away, nervous.] Wow, what's going on here? Usually when I come in, you say hi, then I say hi, then you tell me what's going on in your life and I tell you what's going on in my life. It's not curing the bird flu or anything, but it's been a nice tradition.

LANE: Rory moved in with me.

LORELAI [stunned]: But why? What happened?

LANE: I don't really know. We haven't had the in-depth conversation yet. She just said she moved out of her grandparents house and needed a place to crash.

LORELAI: Wow, that's pretty big.

LANE: Yeah. And she didn't tell me if I could say anything to you. So I just assumed I shouldn't.

LORELAI: Right. I get it. I heard nothing. So, it's nice of you to let her crash.

LANE: Hey, she's small. How much room can she take up, right?

LORELAI: Did she bring her books?

LANE: Good point. Are you okay?

LORELAI: Me? Sure, I'm fine. A little curious, but I'm fine.

LANE: Well, when I know more -


LANE: Okay.


LANE: Okay.


[Lane turns to go. Lorelai looks concerned.]


[Rory is sitting at the kitchen island working on her laptop. Lane serves her a grilled cheese sandwich on a paper towel.]

LANE: Lunch is served.

RORY: Such service!

LANE: I'm just in it for the tips.

RORY: Underwear first, then pants.

LANE: What a shame I'm away from my snare drum. Want a soda?

RORY: Please. Soda me.

ZACH [entering]: Shampoo's looking low.

LANE: I'll get more tomorrow.

ZACH [accusingly]: Four people in the house sure makes the shampoo go away faster, huh?

RORY: I brought my own shampoo, Zach.

ZACH: Hey, not a judgment, just an observation. Two paper towels, huh?

LANE: Relax, Zach.

ZACH: Hey, it's cool. Just, paper towels don't grow on trees. They cost money. Use two a day for a month, that's like sixty paper towels, you're looking at twenty-four rolls per year.

RORY: I'm not staying that long, Zach.

ZACH: Hey, Lane's casa is su casa, apparently. [He grabs a box of cereal.] Cool! Don't have to strain myself by lifting a full box. Excellent.

RORY [annoyed]: I'm not staying that long, Zach.

LANE: She's not staying that long, Zach.

RORY: A couple of days, tops!

ZACH: Yeah. Remember Don? He came for a couple days, tops, once. Six weeks later he's still here. Ate all my Cheese Nips. But when I confronted him with the box, he said they were just settling. Dude had Cheese Nip breath as he told me they were just settling.

RORY: Oh my God, Zach, I'm not staying that long! [Her cell phone rings.] Hello?

MR. WOOLES: Rory Gilmore, please.

RORY: This is Rory Gilmore.

[Scene cuts between Lane's house and Mr. Wooles' office for the rest of the conversation.]

MR. WOOLES: Rory, this is Stuart Wooles of the Stamford Eagle-Gazette.

RORY: Mr. Wooles, yes! Thank you so much for calling me back.

MR. WOOLES: No problem. Listen. I got your message, and of course, I'll be happy to give you a reference. I'll even make it a great one.

RORY: Really?

MR. WOOLES: Look, I don't really know what happened with you and Mitchum, but from me to you, you're a sharp kid and you've got a lot going for you. Anybody'd be lucky to have you working for them.

RORY: Thank you, so much.

MR. WOOLES: I know this will shock you but you're not the first person who couldn't get along with Herr Huntzberger. It's a pretty big club, actually. Ignore him.

RORY: I plan on doing just that.

MR. WOOLES: Good. Okay, so just, uh, have whoever you want call me and I'll sing your praises. Sorry I can't hire you with the Gazette, but we don't have any openings right now anyhow, so.

RORY: That's okay. The reference will be plenty.

MR. WOOLES: Good luck, Rory. I expect to hear great things about you someday.

RORY: I promise not to let you down. Goodbye, Mr. Wooles. [She hangs up and walks back into the kitchen.] Yes!

LANE: Good news?

RORY: References are now officially in order, which is a relief, because I've already sent out a hundred and twenty five thousand resumes.

LANE: Oh, listen, I forgot to tell you. I may have done something stupid.

RORY: What?

LANE: Well, I kind of told Lorelai that you moved in here.

ZACH: I'm sorry, moved in here?

LANE: Zach, there must be something else you can do.

RORY: When did you see my mom?

LANE: This morning, at Luke's. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if you wanted her to know, or didn't want her to know.

RORY: It's okay. It's fine that she knows.

LANE: Oh, good.

RORY: Okay. It's time to get dressed and hit the pavement.

LANE: Wait. Your sandwich. [She hands it to her.]

RORY: Thank you. [She leaves.]

ZACH: Sure, just leave your computer plugged in, sucking up all our energy.

LANE: Zach!

ZACH: What? I'm just writing a song.

[She gives him a look and walks away.]


[Sookie is cooking, and Lorelai is setting the table.]

SOOKIE: I can't believe you didn't do anything to the kitchen!

LORELAI: What are you talking about? Look at the brand new napkin holder. It used to be a cow. Now it's a much bigger cow.

SOOKIE: Fine. Forget it. Chicken and dumplings, going in. [She puts her dish in the oven.]

LORELAI: You do know that the pile of burgers sitting in the refrigerator is intended for human consumption.

SOOKIE: I never go anywhere without a casserole.

LORELAI: Must make dining out rather awkward.

SOOKIE: Look, if by some chance Luke happens to burn the chicken or overcook the burgers then we won't starve. If everything turns out perfect, then you can freeze the casserole and eat it for the rest of your life.

LORELAI: Perfect plan.

[Luke and Jackson enter from the back door.]

LUKE: Forget it!

JACKSON: There is no shame in using a charcoal chimney!

LUKE [taking the burger patties from the fridge]: It's a gadget. I don't do gadgets.

JACKSON: It takes twice as long.

LUKE: You got someplace to be?

JACKSON: No, you just go right ahead and rub those sticks together. I'll just go learn a language or something.

[Lorelai and Sookie mutter to each other as they cross the kitchen.]

LUKE: A real man doesn't use a charcoal chimney.

JACKSON: Oh, so now I'm not a real man.

SOOKIE: He is, too. I have pictures to prove it.

JACKSON: Do you have a spray bottle?

LUKE: For what?

JACKSON: To spray the flames down if they get too high. Or do you just use a hose?

LORELAI: No, he blows them out with his man-breath.

SOOKIE: And then he challenges them to an arm-wrestling contest.

LORELAI: And then he insults the flame's mother and then sleeps with his girlfriend. [The guys roll their eyes and go back out.] And the next time you come back you better be carrying some food!

SOOKIE: Okay. The boys are busy, the chicken's in the oven. Show me the bedroom set.

LORELAI: Sookie.

SOOKIE: I want to see the creepy granny bed.

LORELAI: I'm trying to rise above it.

SOOKIE: Rise above it later. Let's go.

[They sneak upstairs. Sookie bursts through the bedroom doors.]

LORELAI: Here it is.


LORELAI: Terrible, right?

SOOKIE: Well, it's -

LORELAI: Terrible.

SOOKIE: Really terrible.

LORELAI: I told you.

SOOKIE [sits on the bed]: Ow. Oh, my God. [She lays back and rolls around.] You can't sleep in this.

LORELAI: Don't worry. I won't. I'm convinced it's haunted and one night Luke will come back from the bathroom and find nothing but a bloody hook hanging from the cherubs.

SOOKIE: Oh, my God, I just saw the cherubs! [She gasps.] Okay, let's think. Maybe if you stripped the wood?

LORELAI: And lit a match?

SOOKIE: Throw on a little gasoline.

LORELAI: I can't tell him I hate it.

SOOKIE: Yeah, you have to. It's horrible.

LORELAI: Yes, but Luke loves this furniture.

SOOKIE: Right. Luke loves this furniture. Luke loves this furniture! Luke loves this furniture?


SOOKIE: Has he seen it? Has he seen this? [She gestures at the mirror.] And that! [She points at the carving framing the mirror.] Has he seen that? [She giggles. The phone rings.]

LORELAI: Come on.

SOOKIE [points at the lamp on the way out]: Oh, now I know he hasn't seen that.

[They walk down the stairs.]

SOOKIE: I'm going to check on the chicken.

[The answering machine picks up the call.]

CHRIS [on the machine]: Hey, Lor. I haven't said that in a while.

SOOKIE: Is that - [Lorelai nods.]

CHRIS: Uh, anyway. Hope you're good, hope Rory is good. I wanted to talk to you. Nothing terrifying. I think I have good news. In fact, I know I have good news. [Luke enters.] Anyhow, I hope you call me back - [Lorelai notices Luke and hurries to turn off the machine.]

LORELAI: Hey. How's the food coming? I'm starving.

LUKE: Who was that?


LUKE: It sounded like Christopher.

SOOKIE: Buh-bye. [She hurries into the kitchen.]

LORELAI: If you knew who it was, why'd you ask?

LUKE: Were you going to tell me he called?

LORELAI: Luke, yes.

LUKE: Well, why'd you turn the machine off when I walked in?

LORELAI [flustered]: It was a reflex.

LUKE: Reflex?

LORELAI: Yeah. I panicked, I didn't think. I looked up and you were standing there -

LUKE: How long has this been going on?


LUKE: You talking to Christopher. I assume it's just talking, right?

LORELAI [insulted]: Yes! No! No, no talking. No anything. There's nothing going on.

LUKE: Fine. [He turns to go.]

LORELAI: Are you leaving?

LUKE: Burgers are done.

LORELAI: Let's talk about this!

LUKE: I don't want to argue in front of guests.

LORELAI: Last time we were over, Sookie breastfed Martha during appetizers. We owe them.

LUKE: I won't discuss this with people in the house. It's rude.

LORELAI: No, it's rude to silently sulk through dinner and make them feel incredibly uncomfortable because they know we're fighting and we're pretending we're not fighting.

LUKE: We're not fighting. Yet.

[He walks out through the kitchen.]


[The four of them are sitting down to dinner.]

JACKSON: So we're standing in a giant pile of manure and I'm screaming, "I asked for extra fish heads!" And he's like, "No, you did not ask for extra fish heads." Oh, I tell you. It was hilarious! [Luke and Lorelai stare at their plates.] And of course all the celery guys are staring, and then Tomato George - we call him Tomato George, he's got a lot of extra time on his hands right now, 'cause tomatoes are out of season - anyhow, he steps in and says [in an accent] "I don't want to hear another thing about the fish heads!" [He laughs. No-one reacts.] He's from Kansas.

SOOKIE: The burgers are delicious, Luke.

JACKSON: Oh, yeah. I like 'em burnt. You can't get anyone to really burn a burger anymore.

LORELAI: The chicken and dumplings are good too. [Luke stares at her.] What? [He snorts.] Nice snort.

LUKE: I didn't snort.

SOOKIE: People in Kansas talk funny!

[Luke and Lorelai stare back at their plates.]

JACKSON: Did I miss something?

SOOKIE: Always, honey.

LORELAI: It's nothing, Jackson.

JACKSON: Oh. I bet I know what's going on.

LUKE: Nothing's going on, Jackson.

JACKSON: Oh, yes it is. It is not lost on me that the burgers with my world-famous rub are almost gone, while your butter burgers are still sitting there on the plate. You a little humble now, my friend?

SOOKIE: Jackson.

JACKSON: My burgers are better! Admit it! I demand satisfaction.

SOOKIE: Sorry. He's just so excited to be around grownups.


LUKE: No, it's fine. He's right. His burgers are better.

JACKSON: Thank you. I crown thee Burger King. [He places an imaginary crown on his own head.]

LUKE: I can admit it. I have no trouble telling someone something, no matter how uncomfortable it might make them.

LORELAI: Wow. They'll be debating the subtle complexities of that comment for years.

JACKSON: Okay, I did miss something.

SOOKIE: Lorelai and Luke are fighting.

LUKE: We're not fighting.

LORELAI: No, we don't fight in front of company.

LUKE: It's rude.

LORELAI: No, we wouldn't want to be rude.

LUKE: It's fine. Just eat. [He points at his plate.] What's that?

SOOKIE: Chicken and dumplings.

LUKE: Who the hell made chicken and dumplings?

LORELAI: Sookie! Our guest! Who we don't want to be rude to.

LUKE: I'm not the one who started this.

LORELAI: Oh, I'm sorry. Are we talking about this now?

LUKE: You knew how I'd feel about it!

LORELAI: And you have absolutely no reason to be upset.

LUKE: I don't? You were hiding it. You were hiding -

LORELAI: I wasn't hiding anything.

LUKE: You hung up the phone just as I came in -

LORELAI: You didn't let me explain! I was about to tell you what happened!

LUKE: At that moment, it was not appropriate to talk about it -

LORELAI: So you'd rather just sit and stew and be mad for no reason?

LUKE: So it was just a weird coincidence that I walk in and Christopher happens to be leaving a message and it happens to be the first time you've had contact with him in a month?

LORELAI: In a year, Luke! The last time I saw him was the last time you saw him!

LUKE: Well, I don't believe in coincidences!

LORELAI: This is not fair!

LUKE: I have a right to expect a little honesty from my fiancée!

LORELAI: Okay, you want honesty? I'll give you honesty! I hate that bedroom set! It's old and creepy I hate it!

LUKE: You told me you loved it!

LORELAI: I have absolutely no memory of coming to your storage unit five years ago and telling you I loved that furniture!

LUKE: Well, thank you very much for your honesty about my grandmother's furniture! Too bad you're not a little more forthcoming about the other men in your life!

LORELAI: Oh my God! Enjoy Wisteria Lane, you major drama queen!

LUKE: I'm done. [He throws down his napkin and storms out.]

LORELAI: Wrap yourself in a towel and trip over a hedge on your way out!

[The front door slams. Lorelai sniffs.]

SOOKIE [quietly]: Are you okay?

LORELAI: I'm fine. I'm sorry, guys. I'll give Paul Anka the burger. [She walks into the living room with her plate.]

JACKSON: Was it because I brought up my meat rub?

SOOKIE: Yes. It was.


[Luke is sitting, drinking a beer. Lorelai knocks on the door.]

LUKE: Come in.

[Lorelai enters, carrying a plate of food.]

LORELAI: Okay, see, once we're married, you're not going to be able to run away to your clubhouse anymore. You're going to have to join a rotisserie baseball league like the rest of the men.

LUKE: When we're married, huh? Gee, when's that going to be? [Lorelai's face falls.]

LORELAI: I brought you something to eat. You're going to need sustenance if we're going to go another ten rounds.

LUKE: I'm never going to be okay with Christopher being in your life.

LORELAI [sadly]: I'm always going to have Christopher in my life.

LUKE: Yeah.

LORELAI: He's Rory's father. I can't change that. Today was the first day I heard Christopher's voice in a year and I would have told you!

LUKE: We can't hide things from each other.

LORELAI: I know.

LUKE: I'm not going to like it when Christopher calls, but we have to tell each other everything.

LORELAI: Agreed.

LUKE: That's the only way this is going to work.

LORELAI: I know.

LUKE: You really hate the bedroom set?

LORELAI [shudders]: Oh, I really hate the bedroom set. I'm sorry I told you like that.

LUKE: Yeah, well. [He sighs.] So how are Sookie and Jackson doing?

LORELAI: I think they enjoyed watching a show for once that didn't have La-La playing the guitar.

LUKE: Come here.

LORELAI [sitting on his lap]: I want a Barbie and a pony and roller skates and roller skates for the Barbie and for the pony -

LUKE [kisses her]: No secrets.

LORELAI: Cross my heart and hope to die.

LUKE: No, I hate that saying.

LORELAI: No secrets. [They kiss again.] Luke.

LUKE: Yeah?

LORELAI: When I was in fifth grade, I told everybody that Eric Estrada was my boyfriend and that we used to make out on his motorcycle.

LUKE: Shh. [They kiss.]


[The phone rings. The receptionist, Audrey, is busy at work. Rory is sitting in the waiting area.]

AUDREY: Stamford Eagle-Gazette. I'll transfer you. [Another ring.] Stamford Eagle-Gazette. I'll transfer you. [Another ring.] Stamford Eagle-Gazette. I'll transfer you. [Another ring.] Stamford Eagle-Gazette. I'll transfer you. [Another ring.] Stamford Eagle-Gazette. I'll transfer you.

[Mr. Wooles enters, not noticing Rory. He walks up to Audrey's desk.]

MR. WOOLES: Did Bergman call?

[Audrey hands him a message and points at Rory as the phone rings again.]

AUDREY: Stamford Eagle-Gazette. Try the New York Times.


AUDREY [points again]: Trust me. You want the Times.

MR. WOOLES: What? What are you pointing to?

RORY [jumps up]: She's pointing at me!

MR. WOOLES: Rory Gilmore!

RORY: As you live and breathe.

MR. WOOLES: Uh, I'm sorry, did we, uh -

RORY: No, we didn't have an appointment. I just thought I would come down here and talk to you about a job.

MR. WOOLES: A job?

RORY: A beginning staff writer job, to be exact.

MR. WOOLES: Okay, I think maybe we got our signals crossed earlier. I thought I was clear, I don't have any jobs available.

RORY: No, you were very clear. You said you didn't have any jobs available and I heard you. I have excellent hearing, among my many other qualifications which I have listed here on my resume. [She hands him an envelope.]

MR. WOOLES: Your -

RORY: And my portfolio. [She picks up two large binders.] Samples of all my writing. All my work from the Yale Daily News, plus a couple of spec pieces that I've just recently finished. Ideas, potential pitches, theater reviews. [She hands him the binders.]

MR. WOOLES: Well, I'm sure that this is all -

RORY: Look, I know that this is very spur of the moment, but I thought maybe you could find a minute to sit down and talk with me.

MR. WOOLES: About what?

RORY: About a job.

MR. WOOLES: But I don't have any job openings.

RORY: I know, but see, earlier, when we were on the phone, you were so positive and optimistic, and you said so many complimentary things! I mean, frankly, you made me sound great! So great that I thought, hey, you should hire that girl.

MR. WOOLES [shaking his head]: But -

RORY: I already know most of the staff! The rhythm of this place. How it runs. I know where you keep the pens. I have personally fixed the copier in that coffee room on more than ten occasions. But the bottom line is, Mitchum was wrong. I am a very good writer. And I have great organizational skills, yes, but I know how to come at an article. I have a point of view. A voice. And - big selling point - I am a huge bargain.

MR. WOOLES: Rory, these are wonderful points, but I have nothing at this moment!

RORY: If you could sit down and talk with me I bet we could work that out.

MR. WOOLES: I have no time to sit and talk with you today. I'm sorry.

RORY: Look. I have sent my resume to several other papers. I'm not worried about finding a position. I'm worried about finding the right position. The right place for me. I think this is the right place for me.

MR. WOOLES: Well, it's not the right place for you, because there is no place for you! I have no job openings!

RORY: Give me ten minutes of your time and I bet I can change your mind.

MR. WOOLES: I don't have ten minutes.

RORY: I would be invaluable to you here.

MR. WOOLES: If I gave you a job I'd have to fire Harry.

RORY: Five minutes.

MR. WOOLES: Sorry.

RORY: That’s okay. I can wait.

[She sits down and folds her hands in her lap.]


[The diner is packed. Luke is running around delivering plates.]

LUKE: Steak and eggs, tuna melt.

WOMAN: I ordered onions on this.

LUKE: Yes, you did. I'll be right back. [He rushes to the kitchen.] Caesar, I got onions coming.

WOMAN [at the counter]: This is not rare-medium-rare. It's more like just rare.

LUKE: Caesar, onions! [To the woman] Give me. [He hands her plate to Caesar.] Add a little medium to this rare.

CAESAR: The stove is going blinky!

LUKE: No excuses! Let's go, go, go! [He goes to take a man's order.]

MAN: Cobb salad, no avocado, no bacon, no blue cheese. Thai dressing on the side.

LUKE: Something to drink?

MAN: Iced tea, two lemons.

LUKE: Got it. Caesar! Cobb salad, no Cobb, just turkey. Where's that burger?

[A young girl enters wearing a very elaborate bicycle helmet.]

CAESAR: The stove is going -

LUKE: Blinky, I know. Use the broiler.

GIRL: Luke Danes?

[Luke hurries around behind the counter, not noticing her.]

GIRL: Excuse me, are you Luke Danes?

LUKE: Yeah, grab a seat, I'll be with you in a moment. [She sits at the counter.] Iced tea, two lemons. [He hands it to the woman at the counter.]

WOMAN: But I didn't -

GIRL: You're Luke Danes?

LUKE: Yes, kid, I'm Luke Danes. [He really looks at her.] What the hell are you wearing?

GIRL: A bike helmet.

LUKE: For what kind of bike?

GIRL: A Schwinn.

LUKE: Okay.

GIRL: When you fall off your bike you fall on your face.

LUKE: Fine.

GIRL: You could lose your teeth or hurt your neck.

LUKE: Whatever. What do you want to eat?

GIRL: Nothing.

LUKE: Then I need the stool space.

GIRL: You told me to sit here.

LUKE: Well, I thought you were going to order something.

CAESAR: Burger, rare!

LUKE: Yeah. Where's my onions?

CAESAR: I forgot the onions.

LUKE: Get my onions!

[He hands the woman her burger. The girl is standing in front of him, smiling.]

LUKE: Look, kid, whatever you're selling -

GIRL: I'm not selling anything.

LUKE: I know, but I'm working, I'm busy. Will you take that thing off?

GIRL [begins unbuckling the helmet]: Okay. [From Luke's impatient expression] It takes a minute. [Luke sighs.] Okay. It's off. Can I talk to you now?

LUKE: Talk fast.

GIRL: I need your hair.

LUKE: Excuse me?

GIRL: With the roots.

LUKE: For what?

GIRL: I go to Martin Van Buren Middle School, over in Woodbridge. Do you know it?


GIRL: Well, every year Samuel Pilotski wins the science fair. Now, it's very important that I beat him this year, because I hate him. This year I have the perfect project. I'm going to take hair samples from three men, run DNA tests on them and figure out which one's my father!

LUKE: What?

GIRL: My uncle works for a lab in Hartford, so he’s going to oversee me. But I'll be doing all the actual work myself.

LUKE: I'm sorry, did you say your father?

GIRL: Yes. See, science fairs have gotten so political lately. It's no longer the simple act of science being appreciated. There's got to be a twist, a gimmick. Something flashy. I figure this is perfect. Real science, DNA testing, with a flash of human drama. Who's My Daddy? Huh? Catchy, right?

LUKE: I don't understand. I'm not -

GIRL: I already have the other two samples. This is my last stop. I go to the lab tomorrow and the fair's on the sixteenth. And, if I win, there's going to be a banquet on the eighteenth, and you get to choose any two kinds of spaghetti that you want. There's going to be at least ten options, though I know what I'm getting. Split order. Half mushroom, half Myzithra cheese.


GIRL: Yes, that's what I'm getting.

LUKE: No, I mean no, I'm - ow!

[She reaches up and pulls some of his hair out. She grabs a camera from her pocket and takes a candid photo.]

GIRL: Thanks. [She takes her helmet from the counter and runs out.] Wish me luck!

[Luke watches her go, astonished.]


[Rory is sitting in the waiting area. It's a different day. She's reading a paper. Mr. Wooles walks by, deep in discussion with Harry.]

MR. WOOLES: We can't print the letters, Harry.

HARRY: But what if they're true? What if Conselos really is taking these payoffs? It would finally make the city council elections interesting?

MR. WOOLES: We have no idea who's making these accusations. It could be a hoax. Kids with too much time on their hands, no dates for the prom.

HARRY: Or it could be a rival candidate, now wouldn't that be fun?

MR. WOOLES: Yes, that would be fun.

HARRY: Then let's have some fun. [He notices Rory.] Hey, Rory!

RORY: Hi, Harry! [She gets up to follow them.]

HARRY: Okay, so we don't print the letters, but if we could track down the person who's sending them -


HARRY: I don't know, we do a paper analysis, rummage through some trash cans -

MR. WOOLES: Very dignified.

HARRY: Or maybe we can just call the guy up, tell him we know he's sending the letters. Lie! See if we can smoke him out.

RORY [from behind them]: You know, you can use language analysis software to I.D. an author by comparing his writing style to known writing samples.

HARRY: What?

RORY: Yeah. That's how Joe Klein was unmasked as the author of Primary Colors.

[They both look at her, amazed.]

MR. WOOLES: Well, it's worth a try.

HARRY: Great. [Harry takes off.]

MR. WOOLES: Good idea, Rory.

RORY: Thanks, boss!

MR. WOOLES: I'm not your boss!

RORY: Not yet, boss, but give me five minutes of your time -

MR. WOOLES: I don't have five minutes!

RORY: Okay, I can wait!

MR. WOOLES [walking away from her]: Oh, boy.

RORY: You know where to find me!


[Michel is putting books away. Lorelai enters.]

LORELAI: More books!

MICHEL: Ugh, what is wrong with people? Don't they know the written word is dead?

LORELAI: Uh, books are back. Oprah says. Did we order the new box slips yet?

MICHEL: Yes, and the envelopes. And the linen delivery service has been replaces by one that actually has trucks that turn on. And I hired a horse whisperer because Cletus has been acting very needy lately and I get enough of that from you.

LORELAI: Well, you're just perfect.

MICHEL: Oh, and I got a call from someone who wanted a job reference for Rory.


MICHEL: Don't worry, I said nice things. I did not mention how she used to steal stamps and sit in my chair. I said she was very responsible and a hard worker and now you owe me the weekend off.

LORELAI: A job reference?


LORELAI: From who?

MICHEL: Excuse me?

LORELAI: Who was calling? Who was inquiring? Who was asking?

MICHEL: Someone who needed to hire someone.

LORELAI: But what kind of job was it?

MICHEL: I don't know.

LORELAI: Well, what was the name of the company?

MICHEL: He told me but I do not remember.

LORELAI: Michel!

MICHEL: What? I'm not an answering machine! I do not have Sony stamped on my forehead.

LORELAI: Michel - [Her cell phone rings.] Forget it. [Answering her phone] Hello?

RICHARD: Lorelai! Your mother's missing!


RICHARD: I came home from Seattle and she wasn't here! The bed doesn't look like it's been slept in.

LORELAI: You have maids, Dad. They probably made the bed.

RICHARD: Your mother fired the maid. As far as I know a new one hasn't been hired yet. Plus I haven't heard from her in two days! I had a couple of phone calls yesterday but they were fuzzy. I couldn't hear the other person. And then they hung up!

LORELAI: Well, that could've been Mom.

RICHARD: Rory's moved out. Did you know this?

LORELAI: Yes, I heard. What happened?

RICHARD: I don't know what happened! I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things! She didn't even tell me she was going?

LORELAI: Did she and Mom have a fight?

RICHARD: How would I know? I don't know where your mother is!

LORELAI: Did you call her cell?

RICHARD [sarcastically]: No! I did not call her cell! In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!

LORELAI: Well, I don't know what to tell you, Dad! I haven't heard from Mom or Rory.

RICHARD: I'm calling the club. If you hear anything, you must call me immediately!

LORELAI: I will.

RICHARD: Don't be smart!

LORELAI: I'm not being smart! If I hear anything I'll call!


[They hang up. Lorelai walks into the kitchen and pours herself some coffee.]

SOOKIE: Hey! What's wrong? Is something wrong? Are you upset? Did Luke bring home his great-aunt's living room set?

LORELAI: I - I don't want coffee!

SOOKIE: Okay. Uh, that's your choice.

LORELAI: Something's going on, Sookie.


LORELAI: I don't know. Rory moved out and my mother is AWOL. They must have had a fight or something. Something happened there, something big. And of course, I don't have Rory's cell phone number, because I had to give her her space like a big stupid idiot. I should have my examined. Remind me to have my head examined.

SOOKIE: Rory moved out?

LORELAI [dialing a number on her cell phone]: And my mother is missing and my father's a basket case, and I don't know what to think! [On the phone] Hi, Mom, it's Lorelai, you have got to call me when you get this message. Okay? Dad is frantic and we don't know where you are, so just call my cell phone as soon as possible. We just want to know that everything's all right. Okay. Bye.

SOOKIE: What do you think all that's about?

LORELAI: I don't know, but I'm going to go find out.

[She leaves.]


[Lorelai walks up to the front door. Brian opens it.]

BRIAN: Hey, Lorelai!

LORELAI: Hey, uh, Brian, I'm looking for Rory.

BRIAN: Oh. She's not here.

LORELAI: She's staying here, right?

BRIAN: Right.

ZACH: And if you see her, you might want to mention we're mysteriously out of dish soap.

BRIAN: We're also out of sponges.

ZACH: We are? You didn't tell me we were out of sponges. Lorelai, come on.

LORELAI: Come on what, Zach?

ZACH: I'm just saying, she's your daughter. Maybe you should chip in a little rent.

LORELAI: Zach, didn't you guys use my garage as rehearsal space rent-free for about two years?

BRIAN: Three, actually.

LORELAI: Three years! Thank you, Brian. Yeah, so, tell you what, Zach, why don't I give you forty dollars for Rory and you can give me twelve hundred dollars for the garage? What do you think? We got a deal?

ZACH: Hey, whoa, relax! I was just joking. We're cool.

BRIAN: Want to come in and wait for her?

LORELAI [cell phone ringing]; Uh, I'm good, thanks for the offer. [She answers her phone. Brian closes the door.] Hello? Mom, thank God! Have you called Dad? Where are you? What? What are you - okay. Just stay there, Mom. Now, what was the hangar number again?


[Lorelai enters the private plane.]


EMILY [OS]: I'm in the cockpit!

LORELAI: Oh, add that to the list of things I never thought I'd hear my mother say.

EMILY: Well, hello, Lorelai, what are you doing here?

LORELAI: Oh, I was just in the neighborhood. you know. How about you? What are you doing here?

EMILY: I'm looking at a plane.

LORELAI: Because -

EMILY: Because you don't do something like buy a plane without looking at it first. I'm not Elvis.

LORELAI: Oh, my mistake. I thought you were. I apologize for sending you all those policeman badges for Christmas. Mom, Dad is pretty worried about you.

EMILY: He is?

LORELAI: Yes. He said you didn't come home last night.

EMILY: I didn't?

LORELAI: Well, he said the bed looked like it hadn't been slept in and you're between maids, so -

EMILY: Oh, for heaven's sake. I did that. People don't even think I can make a bed. I can make a bed. I usually wind up re-making the bed after the maid makes it because she made it wrong in the first place. I wonder if these seats can be moved around?



LORELAI: You're not going to buy a plane.

EMILY: Tell your father I'm fine and I'll be home in an hour.


EMILY: If you're not going to leave, then help. [She grabs one end of a measuring tape.] Hold this up to the window. [Lorelai sighs, but holds the measuring tape.] This plane is a time-share. We'll share it with three other people. The pilot is always on call, which means we can go anywhere we want at the drop of a hat.

LORELAI: Where would you want to go at the drop of a hat?

EMILY: Anywhere. Everywhere. I could travel with your father when he works.

LORELAI: You can do that now.

EMILY: Well, I can join him later if I don't want to leave when he leaves.

LORELAI: You can do that now.

EMILY: Well, you and Luke can borrow it. You can take it up to Maine for lobster rolls or down to Florida for some sun. [She inspects the curtains.] This fabric is just horrible. It has to go. It all has to go.

LORELAI: Mom, you can't replace the fabric.

EMILY [mocking]: 'Mom, you can't replace the fabric. Mom, you can't buy a plane.'

LORELAI: It's a time-share. You have to share it with three other people.

EMILY: Then I'll buy the whole damn plane myself!

LORELAI: Okay. Sorry.

EMILY: You know what? I am tired of all this. I am tired of your attitude toward me. You look at me as a thing of amusement.

LORELAI: I don't!

EMILY: Something to be pitied or feel sorry for. Poor out-of-touch Emily. She has nothing. She lives to organize parties and frivolous affairs. Who would want to do that? To be that?

LORELAI: Mom, I have never thought that.

EMILY: If I want a plane, I'll buy a plane!

LORELAI: Okay, good! Go for it!

EMILY: It's my fault that Rory dropped out of Yale. It's my fault that she didn't go back. It's my fault that she's with Logan, it's my fault that she's not happy! It's my fault! It's all my fault!

LORELAI [gently]: It's not your fault.

EMILY: That's right, it's not my fault! I did nothing but take care of her! I bought her clothes! I got her a job! I guided her! I threw parties for her and introduced her to new people, new things, and she just - the way she talked to me, you would have been very proud. [She tears up.]


EMILY: Oh, yes. She looked at me just like you used to. With that defiant, "who are you to be telling me what to do" sort of look. Then she left. Packed her things and moved out when I wasn't even there to see her go. No thank you, no goodbye. You would have been very, very proud.


EMILY [crying]: Just let me buy my plane, Lorelai. Let me be frivolous and shallow, won't you please?

LORELAI: Okay. [She starts to leave, but turns around at the door.] It's not the same, Mom. What happened with Rory. It's not the same.

EMILY: I lost her like I lost you. Feels remarkably similar to me.

LORELAI: You didn't lose her like you lost me. She was never supposed to be there in the first place. She was always supposed to be at school. She just went back where she belonged. [She sighs and turns to the door.] And you didn't lose me.

[She leaves. Emily sits down and cries.]


[Rory brings coffee to Audrey at the reception desk.]

AUDREY: You're going to have to take that up with Mr. Averins. Hold, please.

RORY: Three sugars, non-fat milk.

AUDREY: Thank you, sweetheart. [She takes a sip.] God, you make good coffee.

RORY: I've had years of training. You've got someone on hold.

AUDREY: Right. Thank you for holding, how may I help you?

[Mr. Wooles walks out, looking very upset.]

MR. WOOLES: Rory Gilmore.

RORY: Yes, boss?

MR. WOOLES: Is this your portfolio?

RORY: Part of it. I've got more here if you need it. Clippings and pitches -

MR. WOOLES: You do not go into other people's offices and leave things on their desks!

RORY: I know, I'm sorry.

MR. WOOLES: I'm the editor of this paper! For God's sake, my office is private!

RORY: And very tidy.

MR. WOOLES [hands her the binder]: Stay out of my office. [He turns to leave, but hesitates.] Five minutes.

RORY: You read it?

MR. WOOLES: I don't see you moving.

RORY: Did you like it?

MR. WOOLES: I remember something about you being a bargain? [He walks into his office.]

RORY [following]: Oh, thank you. Boss. You won't be sorry, boss. Hey, you're not going to have to fire Harry, are you?


[Luke walks through, looking at the various exhibits. He glances over at a project titled 'Electricity from a Potato'. He stops moving and stares at the girl from the diner. He approaches her booth and looks at the display. The title is 'Finding my Father - a daughter's DNA homecoming'. Photos of three men, including Luke, are shown below the title. The other two photos are crossed out. He looks down at the girl, who looks up from her book and notices him.]

GIRL [surprised, and confused]: Hi.

LUKE [staring at the project]: Hi.

GIRL: What are you doing here?

LUKE: Oh, I just came down to see the, uh, potato clock.


LUKE: It's amazing a potato can do that.

GIRL [matter-of-fact]: Potatoes are extraordinary.

LUKE [points at the display]: So, I guess, uh -

GIRL: Yeah. It's you.

LUKE: And you're sure?

GIRL: Absolutely. You want to see my report?

LUKE: Uh, yeah. [She hands him a booklet.] Oh, it's big! [He opens it.] Wow, you sure wrote a lot of things here. Hey, wait, there's a word in here I know. [He closes the book.] So, you're, uh, smart, huh?

GIRL: Never been tested.

LUKE: But you did all this so you must be smart. [He looks at the booklet again.] April Nardini. So your last name is Nardini?


LUKE: So your mom is - [he thinks for a moment] - Anna?


LUKE: Oh, Anna! Wow. I haven't seen Anna in -

APRIL: About twelve years.

LUKE: Yeah! So, uh, how is she? Is she good?


LUKE: Well, you know, that's - Anna Nardini. [He begins breathing deeply.] Oh, boy. Uh, I think I have to sit down.

APRIL; You want my stool?

LUKE: Yeah, thanks. [He sits down.] I'm just a - a little overwhelmed, here.

APRIL: You want a Capri Sun?

LUKE: No, that's okay. [He stares at her.] So, I'm your father.


LUKE: I didn't know about you.

APRIL: I know.

LUKE: If I did I would've, uh -

[Some people walk by, looking at April's project.]

LUKE: Yeah, it's me. Hi. [They keep walking.] I think I'm better now. [He stand up.]

APRIL: Are you sure?

LUKE: Yeah, it's fine.

APRIL: Okay.

LUKE: So. [He gestures to the red ribbon on her project.] Sorry you didn't win.

APRIL: That's okay.

LUKE: I feel a little responsible.

APRIL: The solar pizza oven took first. Environmentalism is very in right now.

LUKE: Right, well. Here. [He reaches out to give her back the report.]

APRIL: Oh, you can keep it. I've got copies.

LUKE: Okay. Thanks. [He sighs.] So, you want to get some ice cream or something?

APRIL: I can't. The winners have to give a presentation at six.

LUKE: Right. Should I stay?

APRIL [confused]: Why?

LUKE: Right. Okay. So I guess I'll go.

APRIL: Okay. Thanks for coming by.

LUKE: Yeah, thanks for the report. I'll pick up a scientific dictionary on the way home, see if I can figure out what it says.

APRIL: Norton makes a good one.

LUKE: Norton. Got it. Okay. [He clears his throat and starts backing away.] Okay. [He leaves.]


[Lorelai enters, sits down and turns on the TV to a cooking show. She turns it off and flips through a magazine. She grabs a ball.]

LORELAI: Hey, Paul Anka! Huh! Fetch!

[She throws the ball. Paul Anka continues lying on the stairs.]

LORELAI: Eh, that's it. Let it get a head start.

[The phone rings. Lorelai lunges at it.]

LORELAI: Yes, hello.

RORY: Mom?


RORY: I got a job!

LORELAI: What? Where?

[Scene cuts between Lorelai's house and Rory's car.]

RORY: At the Stamford Eagle-Gazette! It pays less than I'll spend on gas to get there, but it's a job! A writing job!


RORY: And I'm going back to Yale! I already called them and talked to my dean and it's all arranged. I just have to someplace to live, but who cares? I'll figure it out!

LORELAI: And this is what you want?

RORY: Yes.

LORELAI: Are you sure?

RORY: Yes.

LORELAI: Oh, Rory!

RORY: I moved out of Grandma's house.

LORELAI: Yeah, I know, I heard!

RORY: Are you home?

LORELAI: Oh, no, I'm not, I - [she gestures at the phone.]

RORY: Okay, I know you're home, but, can I come over?

LORELAI: Yes, yes, come over!

RORY: 'Cause I'm staying at Lane's, and I don't know if you want me to, but -

LORELAI: Tell Lane you're moving out and get your butt over here right now!

RORY: Well, okay, if you insist.

[She pulls into the driveway. Lorelai looks out the window and sees her car.]

LORELAI: Oh my God.

RORY: What?

LORELAI: You look just so much more silver than I remember!

RORY: Now come on! Is it too much to expect after a lengthy separation to get some sort of heartfelt greeting?

[Lorelai runs out the front door as Rory exits the car. They run toward each other and hug in the middle of the yard.]

RORY: Oh, I'm sorry!

LORELAI: You're sorry, I'm sorry.

RORY: I was so mixed up.

LORELAI: I should have pulled you out of there.

RORY: I was stupid!

LORELAI: No, I was stupid!

RORY: I was more stupid!

LORELAI: Uh, boy, time to get you back to Yale!

RORY: I love you, Mom.

LORELAI [sniffles, holding her tight]: Oh, kid, you have no idea.


[Luke wipes a table contemplatively. Lorelai bursts in.]

LORELAI: Rory's back!

LUKE: What?

[She goes behind the counter and fills a take-out container with donuts.]

LORELAI: She's back! She's back at home, she's back at school, she got a job and she did it all on her own! She's at Lane's picking up her things and then we're going to pull a major all-nighter. We need burgers, fries, onion rings. Anything else you can think of. Oh! I'm going to go next door and pick up some ice cream at Taylor's! [She smiles and kisses Luke.] She's back. We can set the date. We can get married now, because Rory's back! [She steps over to the door.] Don't skimp on the fries, we don't want to lose her again! [She leaves. Luke turns around, stunned.]


Kikavu ?

Au total, 61 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

02.03.2022 vers 12h

28.05.2021 vers 08h

02.10.2020 vers 15h

27.02.2020 vers 11h

19.07.2019 vers 20h

15.02.2019 vers 22h

Derniers commentaires

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labelette  (21.06.2020 à 11:35)

Pour April, ce n'est peut-être pas elle que je déteste, mais comme toi

le fait que ça détruit la relation entre Luke et Lorelai

Je ne sais pas, je verrais dans les prochains épisodes ! Mais en tout cas je n'avais pas gardé une bonne image d'elle.

stephe  (21.06.2020 à 10:52)

ça fait du bien de retrouver Rory en effet !! 

J'adore Lane et sa relation avec Rory même si je suis toujours un peu triste qu'elle se soit éloignée comme ça ! elles sont toujours là l'une pour l'autre! Zach en effet peut être très lourd!

Tu décris Emily tellement bien e c'est dommage quand six ans, elle n'est finalement paschangé ! à la fois touchante et énervante et ne comprenant toujours rien à Rory et Lorelai !

Ah l'arrivée d'April.... moi je ne le déteste pas

c'est Luke qui me déçoit et je trouve cette intrigue tellement mal faite, elle a détruit le couple Luke / Lorelai !! 

Lorelai ne fait que les mauvais choix quand il s'agit de Christopher et c'est dommage :(

labelette  (20.06.2020 à 14:08)

Ca y est, on retrouve Rory telle qu'on l'a connue : elle s'affirme, ne se laisse pas abattre et se réconcilie avec les études et sa mère !

C'est chouette de la voir squatter chez Lane : dans la saison précédente, elle a hébergé Lane quelque temps, là c'est l'inverse. Et même si Lane ne sait pas exactement ce qu'il s'est passé, en bonne copine elle est là pour elle.

Zach par contre est plus lourd. Il le fait savoir à Lane, à Rory mais aussi à Lorelai. Sa réaction est excellente : effectivement elle veut bien payer la part de Rory pour ces quelques jours, mais dans ce cas il devra la rembourser pour la location du garage pour le groupe !

Emily ne va pas bien du tout et, même si elle était particulièrement pénible avec Rory ces derniers temps, j'ai de la peine pour elle. Elle vit le départ de Rory comme un échec, comme celui de Lorelai d'ailleurs. Du coup, elle a besoin de se détendre avec des choses légères.

Mais elle n'a pas compris qu'elle n'a perdu ni sa fille ni sa petite-fille. Ce n'est pas parce que Rory ne vit plus avec elle qu'elle ne l'aime plus. Parfois, on apprécie plus les gens quand on les voit moins souvent (mais Emily a du mal à comprender ce genre de choses, avec elle c'est tout ou rien !)

La fin de l'épisode est tellement belle : Rory appelle sa mère et lui annonce ce qu'elle a décidé, puis elle se jettent dans les bras l'une de l'autre ! 

Lorelai est euphorique et va voir Luke pour lui annoncer qu'ils pensent se marier !

Mais (et purée, je déteste ça !!!) il vient d'appendre qu'il est papa... Ce n'est effectivement pas le moment pour l'annoncer à Lorelai, il faut qu'elle profite des retrouvailles avec Rory. Mais ça n'annonce rien de bien cette nouvelle (et je déteste April ! Même si j'ai été agréablement surprise en revoyant cet épisode, je l'ai trouvée moins pire qu'avant)

Sinon, Lorelai fait toujours sa gamine quand Chris l'appelle. Pourquoi a-t-elle coupé le répondeur quand Luke arrivait ? Il sait bien que c'est le père de Rory et elle ne faisait rien de mal ! Pas étonnant qu'ils se soient disputés et qu'il ait pu croire qu'elle lui cachait des choses si elle se comporte comme ça... Bref, maintenant ils sont censés tout se dire, donc j'espère qu'il va le faire pour April...

mais je sais que ça ne va pas bien se passer entre eux à cause de ça (je ne me souviens plus trop des détails) et je n'aime pas ça !


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