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#119 : Emily au Pays des Merveilles

Emily au pays des merveilles Episode 119 Gilmore Girls

Emily se décide à se rapprocher de sa petite-fille et passe la journée avec elle. Elle découvre alors avec horreur la misère dans laquelle elles vivaient. Alors que Rory se remémore plein de souvenirs avec ce petit retour en arrière et n'y voit que des bons côtés, Emily trouve là une nouvelle excuse pour se disputer avec Lorelai. Pensant bien faire, Emily refait la chambre de Rory dans la maison des Gilmore et en fait une chambre d'adolescente de très mauvais goût. Lorelai quant à elle passe la journée avec Rachel qui lui fait redécouvrir l'auberge de la libellule.


4.71 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Emily In Wonderland

Titre VF
Emily au Pays des Merveilles

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Producteurs exécutifs : Gavin Polone & Amy Sherman-Palladino
Production : Amy Sherman-Palladino
Casting : Lauren Graham, Alexis Bledel, Melissa McCarthy, Scott Patterson, Keiko Agena, Yanic Truesdale, Kelly Bishop, Edward Herrmann
Guests : Jackson Douglas, Sean Gunn, Lisa Ann Hadley, Emily Kuroda, Max Perlich, Kathryn Grant

Chez les Gilmore, les trois femmes sont à table. Rory demande à sa grand-mère des photos de famille pour un devoir pour l’école. Emily accepte. Rory demande alors des photos de sa mère mais apparemment, il n’y en a pas. A 7 ans, Lorelai a brûlé toutes ses photos de bébés, apparemment elle avait une grosse tête, ce qu’Emily disait souvent à Lorelai. Rory change alors de sujet, sur les chaises de la maison qu’Emily a changées. Mais Lorelai ne voit pas la différence. Rory parle alors de Kim Antiquités, la boutique d’antiquité de la mère de Lane. Rory propose de l’accompagner, ce qu’Emily accepte avec plaisir.


Chez Luke, Luke amène le petit-déjeuner à Lorelai et Rory mais Luke a mal agencé son assiette et ils partent dans un débat. Luke parti, Rory demande pourquoi sa mère ne mange pas avec elle et Emily mais Lorelai n’a pas du tout envie. Rachel arrive alors et veut montrer quelque chose à Lorelai, ce sont les photos qu’elle a pris lors du dernier festival de la ville. Elle lui montre une belle photo de Luke et Lorelai. Luke revient à ce moment là et a l’air tout gêné. Rory trouve alors une photo d’une auberge dans le tas, Rory trouve cela très joli, Lorelai aime beaucoup, c’est l’auberge de la libellule. Rory quitte la table pour répondre à Lane qui vient de lui envoyer un message. Rachel propose à Lorelai de l’accompagner à l’auberge, ce qu’elle accepte. Rachel partie, Luke est surpris de les voir copiner, tellement elles sont différentes. Il a l’air vraiment gêné.

A l’auberge, Lorelai accueille un groupe de personne, elle est traduite en même temps. Puis elle va dans la cuisine pour voir Sookie… Rune est dans le hall, ce qui ne lui plait pas. Cela ne plait pas non plus à Sookie. Rune vit encore chez Jackson, ce qui agace Sookie mais elle le respecte car c’est sa famille. Lorelai comprend tout ça mais elle se demande pourquoi il est à l’auberge… Jackson arrive et lui donne plein de choses alors que Sookie essaie d’attirer son attention… Sookie n’a pas eu le temps de demander à Lorelai d’engager Rune. Lorelai hésite mais finit par accepter.

A Stars Hollow, chez Lorelai, Rory attend Emily en lisant. Celle-ci arrive et s’enfonce dans la terre. Rory lui propose de les laver. Emily ouvre le frigo et s’étonne de ne rien y voir. Elle prend une assiette et elle est surprise de voir des femmes en bikini… ce sont les originaux de Drôle de dame. Rory propose à Emily de faire un tour en ville mais celle-ci hésite à cause de ses chaussures, pas vraiment adéquat pour un grand tour en ville. Rory lui propose les chaussures de Lorelai.

A Stars Hollow, Rachel et Lorelai sont devant l’auberge de la libellule. Rachel se demande pourquoi  elle voulait la voir, Lorelai lui avoue son rêve d’ouvrir une auberge avec Sookie. Rachel avoue qu’elle a toujours rêvé de sortir de Stars Hollow, mais avec Luke, elle hésite. Elle est prête à se ranger avec Luke.

Dans les rues de Stars Hollow, Emily et Rory marchent. Emily ronchonne un peu à cause de ses chaussures – des baskets. Elles rentrent chez Mme Kim. D’abord rebutée, elle tombe sur de choses très jolies. Lane arrive et Rory les présente. Lane demande à parler à Rory, elle veut lui parler d’Henry qui n’a toujours pas rappelé mais Rory la rassure. Dans la boutique, Mme Kim et Emily font des affaires à leur manière. Elles arrivent à trouver un point d’attente. Emily est ravie.

A l’auberge, Rune suit Michel. Il veut savoir où est sa chambre. Michel, qui ne le connait pas, le renvoie. Lorelai arrive et le lui dit. Michel est surpris.

Rory arrive à l’auberge avec Emily pour lui faire visiter. Elle lui présente Michel. Elle croise ensuite Lorelai. Emily la félicite. Rory fait faire le tour du parc à Emily. Emily découvre la maison où Lorelai et Rory ont habité pendant des années, une petite maison. Emily s’en va, visiblement bouleversée. Rory ne sait pas trop quoi faire.

A Stars Hollow, chez Luke, Lorelai monte voir Rachel. Celle-ci veut lui montrer des photos de la Libellule. Lorelai est un peu gênée, elle n’était jamais montée chez Luke. Rachel avoue à Lorelai qu’elle n’est pas sure de rester finalement, car Luke ne la croit pas. Rachel lui demande de l’aide. Rachel la quitte une seconde, et Luke arrive. Il est surpris de la trouver là.

Chez Rory, elle et Lane papotent en écoutant la musique. Lane lui avoue qu’Henry a appelé mais elle panique totalement sur toute cette histoire. Soudain, le téléphone sonne. C’est Emily qui lui demande sa couleur préférée (bleu), ses fleurs (tournesols), sa musique (N’Sync par défaut)…

Chez Luke, Lorelai descend et retrouve Luke au bar. Lorelai se demande si cela l’a ennuyé qu’elle monte chez lui, il élude la question. Elle le suit dans sa pièce de stockage. Lorelai lui demande pourquoi il n’aime pas qu’elle fréquente Rachel. Il lui conseille de ne pas s’attacher à Rachel car elle a tendance à partir sans dire au revoir. Lorelai essaie de lui dire qu’elle veut rester et que si elle s’en va, c’est parce qu’il pense qu’elle va le faire. Luke n’est pas content qu’elles aient parlé de lui. Lorelai insiste, Luke la prévient et s’énerve de ce qu’elle veut faire. Lorelai lui conseille de faire confiance.

A Stars Hollow, au cinéma, Lorelai et Rory se demandent ce que voulait Emily. Kirk leur demande de se taire alors que le film n’est toujours pas commencé. Lorelai et Rory s’en fichent. Elles voient arriver Luke et Rachel, main dans la main. Lorelai les trouve mignon mais a l’air un peu gêné. Le film commence… et elle continue de parler… Kirk leur demande de se taire mais elles refusent… quand le téléphone de Kirk se met à sonner.

Le vendredi soir, à Hartford. Emily leur ouvre et parait toute ravie. Elle amène Rory dans une chambre et la présente comme sa chambre, une chambre pour jeune fille. Rory remercie sa grand-mère. Emily attend Lorelai, qui trouve cela bizarre. Emily s’énerve un peu. Elle ne comprend pas pourquoi elle a enlevé Rory à eux, et pourquoi elle et Rory ont du habiter dans une petite cabane. Lorelai essaie de lui expliquer qu’elle avait besoin d’être seule mais Emily ne veut pas écouter.

A Stars Hollow, sur la route, Rory demande à Lorelai pourquoi elle est si silencieuse. Lorelai tourne un peu autour du pot avant de lui parler de la remise. Rory s’en veut un peu. Elle voulait qu’Emily se sente concernée par leur vie d’avant. Lorelai pense qu’il n’y a rien qui puisse faire pour arranger les choses. 

Elles vont chez Luke pour prendre un dernier café. Rachel remercie Lorelai d’avoir parlé à Luke, il a décidé de la croire. Rory revient avec deux tasses. Elles trouvent un gout différent au café… Lorelai regarde Luke et Rachel qui ont l’air bien complices.

Le lendemain, Lorelei et Rory sont assises sur l’herbe devant l’auberge de la Libellule. Sookie sort de la maison, se plaignant qu’il n’y a pas de cuisine, elle est toute excitée et se voit déjà dedans. Lorelai veut tenter le coup.


(It's the weekly Friday dinner. Lorelai, Rory and Emily are sitting at the dinner table eating.)

RORY: Grandma, can I have some baby pictures of you and Grandpa?

EMILY: Any particular reason?

RORY: Yeah, we're doing this visual family history project for school.

EMILY: Oh. Well, if it's for school I suppose I could dig something up.

RORY: And I need some of Mom too.

LORELAI: I thought we already had this conversation.

RORY: Yeah, but I don't believe you.

LORELAI: Mother tell her.

EMILY: I don't have any baby pictures of your mother.

LORELAI: Thank you.

RORY: How could you not have any baby pictures of Mom?

EMILY: Because when your mother was seven, I came downstairs and found her burning all of her baby pictures.

R: Why would you do that? I'm sure you were a cute baby.

EMILY: She was. She was very cute.

L: Four, three, two, one.

EMILY: In most respects.

L: Then we have lift off.

R: What does that mean?

L: Nothing.

EMILY: I don't see what the problem is. You certainly grew into it.

R: Grown into what?

EMILY: As a child, your mother had an unusually large head.

L: The best thing about it was that she would tell me constantly. My first complete sentence was, "Big head want dolly."

R: I can't imagine it being that bad.

EMILY: It wasn't. It just affected her balance a little so. . .

L: Okay, can we please talk about something besides my formerly huge head?

R: Are these new chairs Grandma?

EMILY: Why, yes Rory, they are.

LORELAI: They are?

EMILY: I got them from a dealer up in Maine last summer. He just finished restoring them.

LORELAI: They look exactly like the old ones.

RORY: They're nice.

LORELAI: Are you sure they're new?

EMILY: Of course I'm sure. I bought them.

LORELAI: I don't see any difference at all.

EMILY: Well, the arch in the back is higher and they have a completely different leg.

L: Hmm, no difference.

EMILY: Of course I could only get ten of these, so I'm two chairs short of a set.

L: You're telling me.

EMILY: Lorelai, do you realize how rare these chairs are?

L: No.

EMILY: I've searched for three years or them. I've combed every fine antique store on the East Coast and this is all I could find. I blame Peg Mosley.

L: Hm, Peg Mosley. Evil, evil woman.

R: What did Peg Mosley do?

L: She lured these two German children to her gingerbread house and then she tried to eat them. Pass the artichokes please.

EMILY: I made the mistake of telling Peg all my favorite special spots and that woman moved in and completely wiped them out. You can't find a decent Biedermayer hutch in all of Connecticut. I'm desperate for new sources.

R: What about Kim's Antiques?

EMILY: What's Kim's Antiques?

L: Didn't that burn down?

R: My best friend Lane, her parents have this great antiques store in Stars Hollow.

EMILY: Is that so? (To Lorelai) Why haven't you ever told me about it?

L: Oh, I don't know Mom. I guess it just got lost in my big head.

R: Maybe you should come to Stars Hollow and I'll take you there. Like Saturday. You can come see the town.

EMILY: Well, won't you have to study?

R: I can put off studying for one day.

L: I'm working.

EMILY: No one is asking you to do anything Lorelai. This is between Rory and me. I accept your offer Rory. I would love to spend Saturday with you.

R: Great.

L: Well, I'm just sorry that I'm gonna miss it.

EMILY: Eat your artichoke Lorelai.

(Opening credits)


(Rory and Lorelai are sitting at a table. Luke brings their plates to them.)

LUKE: Okay, French toast with bacon crispy. Pancakes, two eggs over easy.

L: Oh.

LUKE: What?

L: You put the eggs on top of the pancakes.

R: Oops.

LUKE: What?

L: Yeah, well, it's like two eyes staring at me. See, I can't eat it like this.

R: Hence the oops.

LUKE: What are you talking about? You always order the same thing.

L: Yeah, but you usually put the eggs on the side so that my breakfast is not ogling me.

LUKE: It's the same food.

L: Hmm, yeah, I need the eggs put on the side.

LUKE: You want a brand new plate.

L: Yes.

LUKE: How about if I take this plate in the back, I take the eggs off the pancakes, I put the same eggs on the side and bring the plate back out. What happens then?

L: Then I can eat my breakfast.

LUKE: It's the same food just a different configuration.

L: I won't know that.

LUKE: I'm gonna take the plate in the back.

(Luke picks up the plate and walks away.)

L: So what time does the judgmental express arrive?

R: Grandma gets here at noon.

L: Hmm.

R: Are you sure you won't do lunch?

L: Oh no, I can't, lunch is bad.

(Rachel walks over to the table.)

RACHEL: Lorelai, you're here. Good. Don't move.

L: I won't.

(Rachel walks away)

R: What are you doing at lunch?

L: Oh, I have very important things to do.

R: Like what?

L: Well, at noon I have to not have lunch with my mother.

R: Very nice.

(Rachel walks back with a pile of photographs.)

RACHEL: So I'm developing my pictures from the Firelight Festival. Some amazing stuff. And I'm thinking maybe there's a book here, faces of small town America. . .

L: Ah, you should feel safe, you don't live near these people.

RACHEL: Exactly. And the very last shot on my roll was this.

(Rachel hands Lorelai a picture of Luke and Lorelai sitting on a bench.)

L: Wow. When did you take this?

RACHEL: When you weren't looking.

(Luke walks over with Lorelai's plate.)

LUKE: What's that?

L: Oh, it's a picture of us.


RORY: Rachel took it.

RACHEL: At the Firelight Festival.

LUKE: Oh, sure, yeah. (hands Lorelai the plate.) So, uh, here's your plate, no eyes.

L: Thank you.

RACHEL: Do you wear contacts?

L: Me? No.

RACHEL: God, you've got amazing eyes. Doesn't she?

LUKE: Oh, yeah. Sure, I guess. . . I mean, they're, you know, placed good. . . . symmetrical. I'm gonna get some more coffee.


(Rory hands Lorelai a photo of an old building.)

R: Oh wow. Mom, look at this.

L: What is that?

RACHEL: It's an old abandoned inn I ran across when I was exploring the other day.

L: This is Dragonfly. I totally forgot about this place.

RACHEL: Well, it doesn't look like it's been operational in years.

R: Look at all the trees. It's pretty. Oh, I'm buzzing. (takes her pager out of her pocket)

L: What have I said about buzzing in public?

R: It's Lane. 911. That's trig. Gotta go.

L: Bye. Take a . . . yeah.

R: Bye Rachel.

RACHEL: Bye. (Rory leaves.) See, that is one really not annoying kid.

L: Yes, she really is not.

RACHEL: See, I might consider doing the whole mom thing if I could be guaranteed that I could get one just like her.

L: Oh you can, you just have to go to Sears. God, where is this again?

RACHEL: Uh, it's kind of behind the mill. You go over the little footbridge with the mean duck family living under it.

L: Yes, the Armbrusters. Wow, it's really amazing.

RACHEL: Do you want to see it?

L: What?

RACHEL: The inn. I'm gonna head out that way in a little while.

L: Oh, well. . .

RACHEL: Come on, finish your breakfast. I'll drive us out there.

(Luke walks to the table carrying a coffee pot.)

LUKE: Drive her out where?

RACHEL: Oh, Lorelai and I are going to cruise the docks.

L: Yeah, we're gonna see how many sailors we can get to tattoo our names on their butts.

RACHEL: So what do you think?

L: Well, I have to check in at the inn first.

RACHEL: Well that's okay. Good. I'll pick you up there.

L: Okay. Good.

(Rachel walks away.)

LUKE: So what was all about?

L: Oh nothing. We're just gonna go check out this old inn Rachel found.

LUKE: Hmm.

L: What?

LUKE: Nothing. I didn't know you guys were friends.

L: Hm, well we're not really friends. I mean, I don't know her that well. But we're just hanging out. She seems really great.

LUKE: Oh yeah, she is. She's great. She's just, you know, a lot different from you.

L: 'Cause I'm not really great?

LUKE: No, you're great. Just in a different way.

L: In a not really great way?

LUKE: That's not what I meant. The two of you are just completely different people. Both great, but I'm just a little surprised that, you know, you're different types of greatness are, you know, melding and you're comfortably great together.

L: Is this bothering you?

LUKE: This conversation, yes.

L: No. Um, the idea of Rachel and I hanging out together. Is there some reason that's weird for you or something?

LUKE: Why would it be?

L: No reason I can think of.

LUKE: Okay, well then it's not weird.

L: Good, well I was just checking.

LUKE: Okay, well then, you checked.

L: Okay. So are you gonna be pouring that coffee anytime or. . .


L: I'm glad it's not weird though because . . (Luke overflows her coffee cup.) . . . that would be bad.

LUKE: Oh, I'll get a rag.


(Lorelai is talking to a group from Japan, while a translator repeats everything she says in Japanese.)

LORELAI: Welcome Ichiro Motors to the Independence Inn. So the dining room is right through there. And breakfast is served 6 to 11:30, although our chef is an amazing overachiever and she'll be happy to prepare you anything you want any time of day. Now your itinerary for the conference will be in each of your rooms. And if you have any questions at all, just please feel free to ask, uh . . . (gestures toward Michel at the counter.)

MICHEL: No. (Michel walks away)

LORELAI: . . . . somebody else. Not him. Okay, so ask Roger. Roger will be happy to help you. Thanks so much.

(Lorelai walks away from the group. She sees Rune sitting on a couch in the lobby. She walks past him hiding her face.)


(Sookie is mixing something. Lorelai walks in.)

L: Rune is in the lobby.

SOOKIE: Lorelai, hello. I made some coffee.

L: Rune is in the lobby.

SOOKIE: Oh, I also made those little orange glazed muffins you like with warm cinnamon butter.

L: Sookie, Rune is in the lobby.

SOOKIE: Uh huh.

L: Why?

SOOKIE: Your muffin's getting cold.

L: My muffin's fine. My muffin wants to know what the fruitcake is doing in the lobby.

SOOKIE: Well, he's staying with Jackson.

L: Again?

SOOKIE: Still.

L: I thought he was only here for a weekend.

SOOKIE: Yes, the lost weekend.

L: Okay. Explain Yoko, because he's out there with the normal people and he's going to scare them

SOOKIE: He won't leave.

L: Jackson's house?

SOOKIE: Yes. Jackson's house. He won't leave and it's driving me crazy.

L: Well tell Jackson to kick him out.

SOOKIE: Jackson won't do it.

L: Why not?

SOOKIE: Because he says it's family and somehow he feels responsible for him.

L: Well, okay yes, but has Jackson met him? I think that would change his mind.

SOOKIE: Apparently, Rune had a rough childhood. His parents don't talk to him, his brothers and sisters don't talk to him, no one talks to him.

L: So, then what's wrong with Jackson?

SOOKIE: I don't know. But he's determined to stand by him and I have to respect his decision.

L: Well, that part I can understand.


L: But the part I can't understand is what is Rune doing in the lobby?

SOOKIE: Yeah, well, I don't . . .

(Jackson walks through the door carry a crate of berries and a jar of jam.)

JACKSON: Lorelai.

L: Jackson.

JACKSON: These are for you.

L: For me?

(Sookie stands behind Lorelai and starts waving a spoon back and forth to get Jackson's attention. Jackson doesn't notice.)

JACKSON: Yeah and I also brought some of my raspberry peach jam. I think you're gonna like it. Put it on ice cream.

L: Okay.

JACKSON: Or take a graham cracker, spread a little on it, break up a chocolate bar, throw it in the broiler for a couple of minutes, and you're gonna be singing show tunes all evening.

L: Must be some good jam.

JACKSON: Yeah, well, it's just my way of saying thanks for helping out Rune.

L: Thanks for helping out Rune.

SOOKIE: Okay, I'm doing the spoon signal.

JACKSON: Oh, I didn't notice.

SOOKIE: Okay, I'm waving around like an idiot here.

JACKSON: So you haven't. . .




JACKSON: So I should . . .

SOOKIE: Good idea.

JACKSON: Right. Um, enjoy the jam. (Jackson leaves)

L: Well, uh, would you mind explaining the thank you jam.

SOOKIE: Well, I was supposed to ask you something about Rune.

L: Like what?

SOOKIE: Well, he just not too long ago lost his job.

L: Oh, attitude problem?

SOOKIE: Something like that.

L: Uh huh.

(Lorelai starts eating the jar of jam with a spoon.)

SOOKIE: Anyway, when he lost his job, he couldn't pay his rent so then he got evicted. None of this was known to us when he came to stay with Jackson. I mean, but this is the situation. So I was thinking that if he could get another job and then he could save up some money and afford his own place and move out, and then I wouldn't end up stabbing him in the neck with a grapefruit spoon.

L: Ouch.

SOOKIE: Its gonna happen.

L: You want me to give him a job?

SOOKIE: Nothing important.

L: Oh good, 'cause I was gonna put him in charge of legal.

SOOKIE: I know it's a lot to ask, but I can't think of anything else.

L: What can he do?

SOOKIE: Lots of things! He's always fiddling around, using screws. Once I saw him use a hammer.

L: A hammer?

SOOKIE: I bet he could be a handyman. You are always looking for a good handyman.

L: Well I couldn't pay him very much.

SOOKIE: Well, that's okay. Maybe he could just work for, uh, room and board.

L: You want him to live here?

SOOKIE: No! Well, what about the old potting shed?

L: The old potting shed? That's where Rory and I lived when she was a baby. It has memories and little rosebud wallpaper. I don't want Boo Radley touching my rosebud wallpaper.

SOOKIE: The job is enough. You're right. He can save up money and eventually move out. I'll just have to deal with it.

L: The potting shed's fine.

SOOKIE: Really?

L: Yes.

SOOKIE: I love you!

L: But I swear to God Sookie, the minute the guests start complaining or disappearing, he's out of there.

SOOKIE: More than fair.

L: Mm, it's really good jam.

(Lorelai hands Sookie the jar of jam.)

SOOKIE: Yeah. It is isn't it?

(Lorelai leaves)


(Rory is sitting on the porch. Emily pulls up the driveway. Rory walks to her car.)

R: Grandma.

EMILY: Rory, hello. What a lovely day to. . . ugh. (Emily's heel gets caught in the grass.) I guess putting in a walkway never occurred to your mother.

R: Oh actually it occurs to her every day on the way to work. Here. (Rory helps pull her heel out of the grass.)

EMILY: Thank you.

(They start walking towards the house.)


(Rory and Emily walk in through the front door.)

R: Are your shoes okay?

EMILY: They're fine. Just a little muddy that's all.

R: Here give 'em. I'll clean them for you.

EMILY: Oh you don't have to do that.

(Rory takes the shoes and walks into the kitchen. Emily follows.)

R: My mom found this great shoe cleaner. It's gets out pretty much anything. Do you want something to drink, there should be some iced tea in the fridge.

EMILY: Iced tea would be nice. (opens fridge) Oh my god. There's nothing in here.

(Rory pours some cleaner on a cloth and starts wiping off Emily's shoes.)

R: I know, it's a little sparse.

EMILY: It's the Grapes of Wrath.

R: Don't worry. We eat fine.

EMILY: No food, no drink. Do you at least have plates?

R: Yes, we have plates.

(Emily pulls a plate out the cabinet.)

EMILY: There are women in bikinis on them.

R: The original Charlie's Angels. It took us years to get a complete set. You can find the Kate Jackson's and the Shelly Hack's pretty easily. Even the Cheryl Ladd's. But the Farrah Fawcett's and the Jacklyn Smith's are a little harder to come by, but still accessible. The real trick however is to find the Tanya Roberts. We have three.

EMILY: You have three Tanya Roberts?

R: Yup.

EMILY: And I was worried, silly me. (She puts the plate away) How are you doing with those shoes?

R: All done. (hands Emily the shoes)

EMILY: That's amazing. What is that you used?

R: I don't know. We got if off one of those late night TV ads. Apparently it also gets rust off nails and hinges, waxes your car perfectly, and weatherproofs windows and doors.

EMILY: Well, isn't that nice?

R: Okay, about today. I think I should just give you the grand tour of the town. So we can start by walking to Kim's Antiques, which takes us by all the good sites.

EMILY: Well, uh, Rory, I don't think I wore the right shoes for the grand tour. Why don't we just drive?

R: You can borrow some of my mom's shoes.

EMILY: Uh, no, I don't think so. Rory hold on a minute.

R: Grandma, you will be missing the true Stars Hollow experience if you don't walk. Trust me.

(Rory starts walking upstairs)

EMILY: All right, but I won't wear anything with rhinestones or zebra stripes or anything that has batteries or that sings or make animal noises or moves on its own.

R: Grandma, I got it.


(Lorelai and Rachel are standing in front of an old, rundown building.)

LORELAI: Must have been something when it was all fixed up and nice.

RACHEL: Can I ask what the fascination with this place is?

L: Oh, well, me and my friend Sookie, we've been kind of toying with the idea of opening our own place together.

RACHEL: Really?

L: Yeah. I mean someday, obviously not now. We're still saving up.

RACHEL: Are you close?

L: No, not at all.

RACHEL: Well, this looks like this could be a great place.

L: Yeah it really does. God. A little paint, some pretty curtains, 150 thousand dollars of construction. We're open for business.

RACHEL: Did you always want to own an inn?

L: Uh no, I was still dreaming of owning a red Camaro when Rory appeared on the scene.

RACHEL: Ah. Right

L: It's a new idea in the last couple years actually. How about you? Did you always want to be a photographer?

RACHEL: Not specifically. I just remember growing up thinking I want to be anywhere but here.

L: Ah, that was you in the other room.

RACHEL: I made sure to pick something that would keep me moving, constantly.

L: Sounds exciting.

RACHEL: It is. Tiring too. And now that I'm here, back with Luke, I don't know.

L: Things seem to be going pretty well for you guys.

RACHEL: I guess. But I tell you, these last couple weeks, it's become increasingly apparent to me that things just can't continue the way they've been.

L: What do you mean?

RACHEL: I mean, I think it's time we get serious. I'm ready to settle down, I guess, is the creepy old fashion term for it. Pretty damn scary, huh?

L: Pretty damn scary.


(Emily and Rory are walking through Stars Hollow.)

EMILY: I feel ridiculous.

R: You look great.

EMILY: I feel like a Clydesdale.

R: You look like you're comfortable.

EMILY: People are staring.

R: Because you look great.

EMILY: Yes, what a shame your grandfather isn't here. He'd fall in love with me all over again.


(Emily and Rory walk in through the front door.)

EMILY: I think we came in through the storeroom.

R: Nope, this is it.

EMILY: This is the antique store?

R: You have to dig but you can find some great stuff here.

EMILY: This is ridiculous. No one can run a quality business like this. This place is dusty and disorganized and you can't possibly. . . . Oh now that is gorgeous. Look at the woodwork. It's exquisite. I wonder if it has mate.

R: Grandma, look at this. It's got like little flowers all over it.

EMILY: It's very pretty.

R: Is it something special?

EMILY: Do you like it?

R: Yeah.

EMILY: Then it's something special.

(Lane walks over.)


R: Lane, this is my grandma. Grandma, this is my friend Lane.

EMILY: Well, I've heard a lot about you.

LANE: It's nice to meet you. Uh, Rory can I talk to you for a sec?

EMILY: Go, talk. I have a lot of looking to do here.

(Rory and Lane walk to the kitchen.)

LANE: Problem.

R: Hit me.

LANE: It's been a week since that party, and still he has not called.

R: Henry.

LANE: He said he'd call.

R: Maybe he's been busy.

LANE: Maybe he has a girlfriend.

R: Lane.

LANE: A tiny perfect Korean girl that his parents would love and approve of.

R: Lane, you are a tiny perfect Korean girl that his parents would love and approve of.

LANE: No, they'd know.

R: Know what?

LANE: Know that I listen to the wrong music and wish I could go blond without looking like an idiot. Or that I'd take a whopper over kimchi in a heartbeat.

R: Now you're just going crazy.

LANE: So he doesn't like me, he's not gonna call. It's not the end of the world. I'll live. I'll go one. There's always college. Unless my parents get their way, and then it's 'I take thee Jesus to be my lawful wedded husband.'

R: Lane, with all due respect to your fiancé, Henry will call.

LANE: No he's not.

R: Well then why did he talk to you all night. .

LANE: Well. .

R: . . and follow you around everywhere you went. .

LANE: 'cause . . .

R: . .and ask you to dance six times?

LANE: Was it six times?

R: It was six times. And he did not ask you to dance six times because you're a good dancer, because to tell you the truth and as much as I love you, you're not.

LANE: Really?

R: You are an embarrassment to the art of dancing.

LANE: Thank you.

MRS. KIM (in background): That's mid nineteenth century, four different kinds of wood.

(Cut to Mrs. Kim and Emily bartering over a cabinet. Lane and Rory watch them from the kitchen.)

EMILY: Is it missing an inlay?


EMILY: I thought it was missing an inlay.

MRS. KIM: Perfect condition!

EMILY: How much?

MRS. KIM: Thirty-five hundred for the pair.

EMILY: You must be joking!

MRS. KIM: No. No joke.

EMILY: Well, they're nice, but they're certainly not that nice.

MRS. KIM: Not a better pair on the East Coast.

EMILY: Two thousand.

MRS. KIM: You're from Hartford.



EMILY: It hardly matters where I'm from. I know these pieces are overpriced.

MRS. KIM: Look on the bottom.

EMILY: They're not signed.

MRS. KIM: Look on the bottom.

EMILY: Are they signed?

MRS. KIM: Look on the bottom!

(Emily leans down and looks.)

MRS. KIM: They're signed.

EMILY: How do I know that's authentic?

MRS. KIM: You have my word.

EMILY: And a letter of authentication?

MRS. KIM: That too.

LANE (to Rory): It's like watching the Williams' sisters.

R: I wish we had popcorn.

MRS. KIM: . . .Insulting!

EMILY: I won't take it.

MRS. KIM: Then someone else will!

EMILY: Eventually, maybe.

MRS. KIM: I can wait.

EMILY: So can I.

MRS. KIM: That's my last offer.

EMILY: I'll think about it.

MRS. KIM: I'll waive the tax.

EMILY: And throw in delivery.

MRS. KIM: We appreciate your business.


(Emily and Rory walk out of Kim's Antiques)

EMILY: I like that woman. And you know what? I like these shoes.

R: You're becoming one of us Grandma.

EMILY: This way?

R: Yeah.

EMILY: I love this street.


(Michel walks through the lobby as Rune walks through the front door carrying a duffel bag.)

RUNE: Hey.

MICHEL: May I help you?

RUNE: Yeah, I need to know where my room is.

MICHEL: Uh, are you sure you are in the right place? Perhaps you want the YMCA or the local bus station.

RUNE: You speak English?

MICHEL: Do you have a reservation?

RUNE: I work here.

MICHEL: Hm, I do not think so. You see, we have standards, and even if they were much much lower, you would still be poor boy out of luck.

RUNE: I'm the new handyman. Lorelai hired me

MICHEL: Oh, you know Lorelai?

RUNE: I dated her.

MICHEL: Oh you did?

RUNE: Yeah, but hey, don't spread it around, it's not one of my shining moments.

MICHEL: Yeah, and you probably have so many to pick from.

RUNE: You're rude.

MICHEL: You've caught me to the quick, out of here teeny tiny man.

RUNE: Look I will only be pushed so far.

MICHEL: And obviously it's down.

(Lorelai runs over to them.)

LORELAI: Rune, you made it, great.

RUNE: Finally. Will you tell this guy who I am?

L: This is Rune.

MICHEL: You know him?

L: He's gonna be our new handyman.

RUNE: See! Handyman.

MICHEL: Be quiet.

RUNE: Go build us another statue.

MICHEL: You hired this man?

L: Yes.

MICHEL: Did you date him also?

L: What! No, I didn't date him. Rune, I didn't date you. It was one night. .

MICHEL: One night, you and him together?

L: I'll explain later.

MICHEL: Oh, I cannot wait.

L: Yeah. Listen, Rune, here, come with me, I'll show you where you're gonna stay.

RUNE: Can you ask your bellboy here to grab my stuff? I think I might've sprained my shoulder on the way over here.

L: Relax. I got it. (picks up the duffel bag) Uh. Geez. Move it Rune.

(Lorelai and Rune leave. Emily and Rory walk through the front door.)

RORY: So, what do you think?

EMILY: Well, I think it's very nice.

RORY: Mom's office is right back there. Oh and you have to see the dining room. They got the chandeliers from one of Martha Washington's houses.

EMILY: Do you spend a lot of time here?

RORY: Yeah. I work here a couple afternoons a week, and I help out with special occasions. They have a lot of weddings here. I wonder where mom is.

EMILY: Oh, don't bother your mother. I'm sure she's busy.

R: Oh no, she'd want to say hi.

(Rory and Emily walk over to Michel, who is behind the front desk.)

R: Michel, where's Mom?

MICHEL: Off with her boyfriend.

R: What boyfriend?

MICHEL: Small, dark, wanted in four states.

R: Okay, well, do you know when she's coming back because my grandmother's here and we want to say hi.

MICHEL: Your grandmother?

EMILY: Emily Gilmore.

MICHEL: Michel Gerard.

(They shake hands.)

EMILY: Enchantée. D'où venez vous?

MICHEL: Paris.

EMILY: J'adore Paris. Nous y allons chaque printemps.

MICHEL: Oh, oui, le printemps à Paris...

EMILY: Un cliché, mais pourtant...

MICHEL: C'est si vrai, c'est si vrai...

RORY: Okay, well, we better go find mom.

EMILY: It's been a pleasure meeting you.

MICHEL: The pleasure is all mine.

(Emily and Rory walk towards the center of the lobby.)

EMILY: What a charming man.

R: Uh okay. (sees Lorelai ahead) Mom, hi.

L: Mom, hi.

EMILY: Lorelai, it's quite a place you've got here.

L: Oh, well it's not really my place, I just work here, so. . I thought you were gonna go antiquing.

R: Yeah we did. And then we had lunch.

L: Oh, really? Where?

EMILY: Teriyaki Joe's.

L: You're kidding.

R: She picked.

L: You did?

EMILY: It looked festive.

L: I can't picture you at Teriyaki Joe's . . .or in jogging shoes. What's up working girl?

EMILY: Well, Rory decided that we should take the grand tour of the town; that meant walking. I hope you don't mind, I borrowed your socks also.

L: Oh, I don't mind. I wish I had a camera, but I don't mind.

R: I'm gonna go show her the grounds.

L: Oh yeah, good. On the way back, show her the gym. Jump on the treadmill.

R: See you later.

L: Make sure you stretch first.

(Lorelai walks over to the front desk.)

MICHEL: I just love your mother.


(Rory and Emily are walking along the pond on the inn's grounds.)

RORY: So the horses are up on that hill, and the tennis courts are over there.

EMILY: It's certainly impressive.

(They walk towards the potting shed.)

RORY: And this is my favorite place.

EMILY: The tool shed?

RORY: No, this is where we used to live.

EMILY: What?

R: Right when mom and I moved here, this was our apartment.

EMILY: But. .

(Rory opens the door and walks in. Emily looks in from the doorway.)

R: I know it's looks small, but it's really pretty. Come on. See we had our bed right over there, and mom put up this really pretty curtain around the tub so that it looked like a real bathroom. And we would just sit outside at night when the Inn would have parties and we'd just listen to music and feed the ducks and. . . (Emily walks away) Grandma? Grandma wait, what's the matter?

EMILY: Nothing.

R: Did something happen? Are you sick? Is it the teriyaki?

EMILY: I'm fine. Its just getting late, I have to go.

R: But. . .

(Rory watches as Emily walks away. Rune walks towards the shed carrying some sheets.)

RUNE: Hey. Do you mind?

R: What? Oh sorry. (She moves out of the way so that Rune can go into the shed.)


(Lorelai walks down a hallway and knocks on a door that says "Williams Hardware, Office, Private". Rachel answers the door.)

RACHEL: Hey! Good, you got my message.

LORELAI: Hail the glory of the answering machine.

RACHEL: Come on in. (Lorelai walks inside) I just developed some shots of the Dragonfly I think you're gonna love. Maybe they can help inspire you a little more.

L: Oh, great! Hm, I've never been in Luke's apartment before.

RACHEL: Really? How long have you two known each other?

L: Oh god, years. But our relationship is strictly "Please can I have coffee?", 'No,', 'Come on!, 'No, it makes you short.' Blah blah blah.

RACHEL: Well, then let me give you the grand tour. This, is it.

L: It's, uh, not how I pictured it. I mean, not that I've been picturing Luke's apartment. I haven't been picturing it at all.

RACHEL: I know what you meant.

(Lorelai walks over to the window and touches the curtains.)

L: Hmm. Nice touch.

RACHEL: Oh, those aren't mine.

L: You're kidding.

RACHEL: Nope. Frankly, a little too frilly for my taste.

L: I'm gonna give him so much crap about that.

RACHEL: Have a seat.

L: Thanks. (sits down on the couch) Man, you guys are living in pretty tight quarters here.

RACHEL: Well this was originally his dad's office, so it was never really meant for anyone to actually live in.

L: But tell that to Luke.

RACHEL: Exactly.

L: Do you think about moving to a bigger place?

RACHEL: I don't think so.

L: No? Oh right. Because tight quarters, romantic. Hello Lorelai.

RACHEL: Yeah, well I don't think romance has a lot to do with it.

L: No?

RACHEL: I'm not sure I'm gonna be in Stars Hollow much longer.

L: Oh. But I thought. . .

RACHEL: I know, I just, I can't seem to make Luke believe that I really want to stay this time.

L: Did you tell him all that stuff you told me?

RACHEL: Till I was blue in the face.

L: Well you just have to keep trying until he hears you.

(Rachel sits down next to Lorelai on the couch.)

RACHEL: Hey, I don't blame him. I've given him no reason to believe me. I just hope that magically somehow he'd, I don't know, forget that I'd skipped out on him a million times before.

L: Have you told him that you're thinking of leaving?


L: Are you going to?

RACHEL: I don't know. I mean, I feel like I've been trying so hard to make everything good. But this town, you know, it's like living under a microscope. Everyone here is just waiting for you to screw up.

L: No that's not true.

RACHEL: Miss Patty?

L: Oh, well yeah.

RACHEL: I don't know how long I can stick around here waiting for Luke when I feel like I don't have a friend in the world.

L: Hey, if you can French braid hair, I'll be your friend.

RACHEL: Sorry.

L: Oh, well, see ya.

RACHEL: I cannot find your pictures here. They must be in the bathroom.

L: So do not wanna know why.

(Rachel starts walking towards the bathroom, then stops and turns around.)

RACHEL: Hey, I know this is not so not cool to ask. But if the situation comes up and it's not too weird, a little word of encouragement from you might help a lot.

L: Oh, yeah, sure. If it comes up.

RACHEL: Thanks

(Rachel goes into the bathroom. Luke walks in the front door.)

L: What, you don't knock?

LUKE: What are you doing here?

L: Rachel invited me.


L: To look at some pictures.

LUKE: Good.

L: Yeah. And go through your underwear drawer.

LUKE: Where is she?

L: Freezing your bra.

LUKE: Where?

L: In the bathroom.

LUKE: Right.

L: It's a nice place you have here.

LUKE: Thank you.

L: I like the curtains.

LUKE: Yeah, yeah, Rachel picked them out.

L: Oh, she's got good taste.

(Rachel comes out of the bathroom)

RACHEL: Oh. Hey.

LUKE: Hi. I just had to put something in the safe.

RACHEL: We were just. . .

L: I told him about the underwear drawer.

RACHEL: And the baseball cap fashion show?

LUKE: Okay. I'm gonna go now.

(Luke leaves.)

L: I think he's going to buy a matching rug.


(Lane and Rory are lying on Rory's bed)

RORY: I like this song. It makes me gloomy.

LANE: Gloom is good.

R: Really gloomy.

LANE: Like Joy Division Gloomy? Nick Cave gloomy? Robert Smith gloomy?

R: Johnny Cash gloomy.

LANE: So kind of like a San Quentin-y, it's a long road home and my horse just got shot but I've still got my girl by my side gloomy?

R: You read my mind.

LANE: I'm deep in a Charlie Parker gloomy.

R: Henry still hasn't called?

LANE: Oh no, he called.

R: He did? Why didn't you tell me?

LANE: Well I didn't talk to him. He left a message. I listened to it eight-and-a-half times, but then my mom came home and I had to erase it. But I was so panicked that I broke it, which is better because now all evidence that a boy called me is in the trash.

R: Eight and a half times.

LANE: Well it was a good message the first couple times. Then I started parsing it for subtext.

R: What did he say?

LANE: He said, and I quote, "Hey Lane, it's Henry." Not a good start.

R: How do you figure?

LANE: It's so gender neutral. It's how you start a conversation with a bowling pal.

R: He asked you bowling?

LANE: Then he said "It was fun meeting you the other night."

R: What?

LANE: He didn't say which night. Like he didn't remember which night. Like he's mixing me up with another girl from another night. For all I know, he thought he was calling the hot blonde he met at a hopped up night at Balthazar's.

R: He's a 16 year old Korean boy.

LANE: Or so he led me to believe.

R: What's the bottom line here?

LANE: Okay, the bottom line is that he wants me to call him back. But if I do that then he's probably gonna ask me out on a date. And if we go out on a date then it could lead to another date, and then I'll have to introduce him to my parents. And once I do that, they're gonna like him. Because he's Korean and he's gonna be a doctor. And then once that happens, that's it. It'll be over. He'll be hideous to me. Now I'm a Lou Reed gloomy.

(phone rings. Rory answers it.)

R: Hello?

EMILY: Rory, hello. Do you have a minute?

R: Uh, sure.

EMILY: Now I know this will probably seem silly but I was wondering what your favorite color is.

R: Oh, I don't really have one. Blue I guess.

EMILY: Okay. What about flowers? Do you like flowers?

R: Sure.

EMILY: Which would you say you like better, roses or lilies?

R: Hmm, sunflowers.

EMILY: Sunflowers it is. Now, what about music? N'sync or 98 degrees?

R (to Lane): Uh, N'sync or 98 degrees?

LANE: What kind of sick joke is this?

R: I don't think I could choose.

EMILY: What about that other group? The Backside Boys?

R: You mean the Backstreet Boys?

EMILY: Yes that's it.

R: Um, I guess if I really had to choose, I'd say N'sync.

EMILY: Wonderful.

R: Are you writing this down?

EMILY: Maybe.

R: What for?

EMILY: You'll see. I'm looking forward to dinner on Friday.

R: Okay, yeah, me too.

(hangs up)

R: What was that?

LANE: Sounded like some sick take on the Gallup survey. I gotta go

R: Call him.

LANE: I already left him a message, he's probably parsing it right now.

R: I'm sure.


(Luke is behind the counter. Lorelai comes down the back steps and walks behind the counter.)

LUKE: Hey.

L: Hey.

LUKE: Want some coffee?

L: Oh, yeah coffee would be great.

(Luke fills up a carryout cup and hands it to her.)

L: Thanks.

LUKE: Watch the lid there.

L: Yeah. Wow, it really looks, um, different from back here, ya know? All this is yours, as far as the eye can see.

LUKE: Yes, it's quite an empire I've built for myself. I'm thinking of conquering the flower shop next door and expanding the freezer.

L: Hey, I didn't mean to kick you out of your own apartment.

LUKE: Oh, you didn't.

L: Well you left pretty fast.

LUKE: Yeah, you guys looks like you were talking girl talk.

L: Girl talk.

LUKE: Yeah.

L: What's girl talk?

LUKE: You know, pantyhose, nail polish.

L: Curtains.

LUKE: Yes. That stuff.

L: You didn't like me being up there?

LUKE: No big deal.

(Luke walks away. Lorelai follows him.)


(Luke is in the storage room unloading boxes. Lorelai walks in.)

L: So, this is the fascinating storage area where fascinating acts of storage take place.

LUKE: Yup, this is it.

L: Some good looking pickles.

LUKE: What are you doing?

L: I'm admiring your pickles.

LUKE: You shouldn't be in here.

L: Why not?

LUKE: 'Cause my insurance covers only me.

L: That's not true. You're kidding right?

LUKE: Its not safe, something might fall.

L: You don't like me hanging out with Rachel do you?

LUKE: Oh, come on.

L: Am I right?

LUKE: You can hang out with anybody you want.

L: Not my question.

LUKE: Well that's my answer.

L: Well, we're eight.

LUKE: Just a friendly piece of advice. Don't get too attached to her.

L: Rachel?

LUKE: Yeah. She's got an interesting habit of getting bored and then leaving, usually without saying goodbye.

L: People break habits.

LUKE: Not often.

L: So you're just convinced that that's what she's gonna do?

LUKE: I'll bet you that's exactly what she does.

L: Well, let's say that is what she does. Don't you think there's the teensiest possibility that if Rachel leaves Stars Hollow this time its because she thinks you don't want her to stay?

LUKE: Are you guys talking about me?

L: No . . . Yes.

LUKE: Okay, I don't mind if you hang out with her, but you will not talk about me.

L: Why? It's fun. We wear plaid, take turns not shaving.

LUKE: There will be no Luke talk period.

L: Do you wanna know what I think about this situation?


L: Are you sure?

LUKE: Look, if you're gonna tell me at least help me unload.

L: Can I use the fun cutter thingy?

LUKE: Not if you call it the fun cutter thingy.

L: Please.

LUKE: Cut the box, not your hand.

L: Good tip, you should teach. (cuts open the box) Ha! Fun!

LUKE: Talk.

L: Well, I don't know exactly what's going on in Rachel's head because I'm not a Vulcan, but from the way she talks about you and the way she smiles when your name comes up, I'm pretty sure that she's serious about staying in Stars Hollow this time.

LUKE: Yeah, let me guess. Rachel told you she wanted to put down roots, that she's serious this time, that she's tired of the road, and realizes what's lacking in her nomadic existence.

L: She didn't use the phrase nomadic existence, but basically yes, that's what she said.

LUKE: I've heard the speech. I know the speech by heart.

L: Well, I think she means it this time.

LUKE: You don't know her like I do.

L: I don't. But she seems sincere.

LUKE: How do you know?

L: Her nose didn't grow.

LUKE: Why are you taking her side?

L: I'm not taking her side.

LUKE: Well it sounds like you're taking her side.

L: Well, wash out your ears, I'm not taking her side.

LUKE: I mean you're practically pushing her on me.

L: I just want you to be happy.

LUKE: And you know what makes me happy?

L: No, I just know that you've been carrying a torch for her for a really long time.

LUKE: I have not been carrying a torch for her.

L: Well, you wanted this to happen.

LUKE: How do you know what I wanted to happen?

L: Didn't you?

LUKE: Yeah, I guess.

L: Okay. So here it is, right in front of you. Just take it. Take the plunge. She could be ready. Just jump in and believe her. Unless, you know, there's some other reason you don't want to.

LUKE: Like what?

L: Like I. . . .I don't know.

LUKE: There's no other reason.

L: Okay, well, fine. Then there's no other reason.

LUKE: I'll think about it.

L: Okay. Well, thanks for letting me borrow your thingy.

LUKE: You're welcome.

L: I'll see you later Luke.

(Lorelai leaves.)


(Rory and Lorelai are sitting in the theater, waiting for the movie to start.)

L: She actually asked if you like the Backstreet Boys?

R: Except she called them Backside Boys.

L: Ha! That is high comedy. What inspired that woman?

R: I don't know. It was weird.

L: Sudden interest in pop music I sat her down to listen to a Prince song once, and she looked like she was having a stroke. Wait a minute. I know what she's doing.

R: What?

L: She's trying to be your pal now. Ah, that sneak. You spend one day together and she wants to know all about you. She's picturing you guys chatting about boys, and painting each other's toenails.

(Kirk, sitting behind them, clears his throat loudly. They turn around to look.)

L: Oh hey Kirk. You getting a cold? You know you should try that dinametichemphemital. Knocks it right out. Don't drive a forklift though, 'cause it'll make you drowsy.

(Luke and Rachel walk in holding hands. They sit down in the front row.)

R: Oh wow, when's the last time you think Luke's been to a movie?

L: I don't know but I think the guy had to crank the projector by hand.

KIRK: Do you mind?

(Lorelai turns around)

L: Kirk, the movie hasn't even started yet.

KIRK: I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture.

L: Oh you got that out of a book. (Turns around. She watches Luke and Rachel talking.) Luke looks happy, doesn't he?

R: Yeah, he looks happy.

L: And they seem really right together, don't they?

R: Just right.

L: Good, good, he deserves it. So I did the right thing by butting in the way I did.

R: You butted in for all the right reasons. You were concerned about a friend.

(The lights dim and the movie starts.)

L: So if Rachel turns out to be an evil fembot and murders Luke in his sleep, I'm not responsible am I?

R: Only in an intergalactic court.

L: Good. And Rachel seems really great. . .

KIRK: You are now officially disturbing not just me but every person in this theater.

L: Kirk, you're the only one who's disturbed.

(A cell phone goes off. Lorelai looks around and discovers that it's Kirk's. He tries to answer it, but the ringing won't stop.)

L: Uh! Shhh!

KIRK: Hello?

L: Shhh! Shh! God, don't you hate that?

KIRK: Hello? Dammit!

(Kirk runs out of the theater. Lorelai laughs. She sees Luke looking towards her and waves.)


(Lorelai and Rory ring the doorbell. Emily answers the door.)

EMILY: Hello, hello, hello.

L: Wow, Mom, hi. (to Rory) Uh, check the rubbing alcohol.

EMILY: How was the drive?

L: The drive was fine.

EMILY: Good.

L: The foyer looks great.

EMILY: I have a surprise for you.

L: The rest of the house ran away?


L: No.

EMILY: Rory, come with me.

(Emily pulls Rory in and leads her away.)

L: Okay, so, I'll. . . I

Kikavu ?

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Derniers commentaires

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kystis  (04.06.2021 à 03:08)

Oui c'est marrant Emily avec des baskets, la dégaine ! Et j'aime bien aussi Kim et Emily. Trop dommage qu'Émily fasse encore des reproches à Lorelei....

Trop marrant la réaction de Luke de voir Lorelei et Rachel ensemble.

stephe  (29.04.2020 à 14:04)

Ah les tennis d'Emily ! j'avais bien aimé ! Et j'aime bien voir Rory et Emily se rapprocher même si Emily voit tout de travers! 

C'est vrai qu'avec Mme Kim, c'est très drôle!

labelette  (29.04.2020 à 11:22)

C'est chouette qu'Emily passe ainsi du temps avec Rory ! et avec les tennis de Lorelai pour être à l'aise pour marcher dans Stars Hollow ;-)

La scène dans le magasin de Madame Kim est très drôle, aucune des 2 ne se laissant faire ! Mais elle ont fini par faire affaire ensemble.

Lorelai et Rachel qui se rapprochent, c'était assez inattendu. 


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Calendrier d'avril

Calendrier d'avril
Le calendrier du mois de avril par Sonmi451 est dès à présent disponible!Pour voir en taille réelle,...

Lauren Graham & Yanic Truesdale

Lauren Graham & Yanic Truesdale
Le 16 mars, l'actrice Lauren Graham (alias Lorelai)fête ses 57 ans! Le 17 mars, l'acteur Yanic...

Calendrier de mars

Calendrier de mars
Le calendrier du mois de mars par Sonmi451 est dès à présent disponible!Pour voir en taille réelle,...

Calendrier de février

Calendrier de février
Le calendrier du mois de février par Sonmi451 est dès à présent disponible!Pour voir en taille...

Bonne Année 2024 !

Bonne Année 2024 !
Je vous souhaite à tousune bonne année 2024 !Que vos souhaits se réalisentQue cette année vous amène...


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

Viens chatter !